
I know the name Siehvan is German and possibly Jewish/German. Does anyone know what it means?

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Siehvan may be a different spelling for the name Sivan, as Sieh is pronounced See and van is the same as van in Sivan.




  1. I couldn't find anything about Siehvan, but Sivan, which is your user name, is the name of a month in the Hebrew calendar, apparently of Babylonian origins, it means season or time...

    It's possible that Siehvan is just the way it was spellt due to the german languages rules of spelling...

  2. Yea dude i'm also german and i've never heard anything like this name. i'm also jewish and i've never heard that name religiously or in my synagogue either.

  3. Siehvan isn't German.  

  4. It's definitely of Semitic origin.  Cohen and Klein are Jewish surnames, the first from the Hebrew כֹּהֵן, or "kohen," meaning "priest" and "Klein," a German word meaning "small," and also adopted by many Ashkenazi Jews living in Germany.  So, "Sivan" isn't German per se, but most likely the name of a Jew living in Germany.

  5. Yeah, I can't find anything about Siehvan either; as for Sivan (m) , it means "shepherd" in Kurdish and a Hebrew calendar month.

    Could Siehvan possibly be a variant of the German name Sven (m) ? It's pronounced closely enough...

    I don't know but the Irish name Siobhan (f) also popped up in my head with I saw Siehvan. It's pronouced and looks a bit similar...

    Yeah, can't really help you but I tried :)

  6. Where do you "know" this from? I am German and I never heard this name before nor anything close like it. I could not even tell if it would be a male or female name.

    Edit: The name "Sieh" of the guy is a very uncommon name. As a German word, "Sieh" would translate to "see!" (imperative form). But then, where should the "van" come from? I still think Siehvan and Sivan are absolutely not German. Purely from appearance I would consider the name Turkish, but that's just how it looks to me.

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