
I know there are some Non Christians on here that aren't here to bash Christians. Who are you and ....?

by  |  earlier

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...and what do you think of the bashing going on from both sides???




  1. I am me, and as far as the bashing goes, it's ultimately pointless, but occasionally amusing to observe.........

  2. I bet you confuse disagreeing with bashing!

    Look... I will speak my mind no matter what you think. If you think it's "bashing" that's your problem and you need to get a tougher skin!

  3. I have nothing against christianity as a religion, but I hate the church and the dogma and their followers who are close minded and naive.  The people who can only respond to a question by quoting a bible verse.  The ones who act like robots and can't use that big gelatinous mass in their cranial cavity for anything other than to make sure their head doesn't float away.

  4. i don't bash christians- i bash idiots.

    hey, i should make that into a bumper sticker!

    my best friend and her family are religious catholics. religion has never been a problem between them and my family which is hindu.

    not all christians are idiots, just the ones who are narrow-minded and intolerant. same goes for any other religion.

    yes, some of this stuff is ridiculous, but it's not going to stop anytime soon, as far as i can tell.

  5. We don't "bash" XTians, we "bash", for a variety of proper reasons, the insane and factless myths that drive far too many people to do many insane and stupid and evil things.

    The fact remains, that that religion offers AbZero objective evidence for ANY of it's claims. Belief in such a factless mythology is clearly willfully insane.  

  6. I think that you are seeing the problem, or 'A' problem.  Some people think that there are only two sides: The Christian side, and the other side.

    But I find that you are right. I look for those people too who are honestly seeking and don't know. I find that some of them cannot help falling in the rut of the 'two side' effect, but I try to discern what they are really saying behind their words. I find is a gift to do so, Thanks to God for that!

  7. Both "bash" on each other, i well bash a christian if they bash us in there question, but other than that i leave it alone and respect every ones beliefs.  

  8. Star for you.  I hope all the respectful non-christians are on here to be able to answer :-)

    I would be curious to see one of the Christian bashing QAs that many people talk about.  Ive seen ALOT of parody and second rate satire of people pretending to be Christians, but not actual Christians bashing another group in a cruel way.  To be fair, I do see at times people asking Catholics why they worship Mary and why Mormons worship Joseph Smith, but not much more than that in terms of actual bashing.

  9. Both sides "bash" each other. I think it's pretty childish sometimes.

  10. As a christian (30yrs+) I appreciate the bashing going on from Non christians, simply because I can gauge the secular world's opinions.

    It is probably more accurate on this forum because people are largely anonymous and give vent to their true feelings more often, rather than if they were say talking face to face and guarding their comments.

    Most christians on here don't bash but are giving warnings of impending punishment for the unregenerate. If we did not do this then non believers will never know the truth and will die facing eternal punishment.

  11. I generally find myself less annoyed by the bashing than by the constant questions about the bashing.  I mean come on, it's a question and answer website.  If you don't like someone's comment, just ignore it.  If you physically can't stop yourself from reading and being offended by it, just hit the thumbs down button and Yahoo! will hide it for you.  People need to stop taking these things so seriously.

  12. I am an atheist and I am trying to show these fairy tale believers the error of their ways!

  13. I don't bash Christians, I bash Christianity.

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