
I know theres some meaning if youre pregnant in a dream, but this was a tad different...whats this dream mean?

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I had this dream last night that me and my bestestest girlfriend were in some department store, but it also looked like an office a designers office where you could go and try on the clothes. Well, I wasnt actually pregnant in the dream, but the lady at the desk looked at me and said "Oh, when are you due?". I told her I wasnt pregnant and she started laughing. Then my friend pulled me over by a window, and as soon as I looked out it, I woke up.

I know they say actually being pregnant in a dream has some kind of connotation to it, and Ive heard various other stuff about seeing your friends and being surrounded by riches...

but this was a bit backwards...

So what could it mean?




  1. Looking out a window is your outlook on life; trying on clothes and pregnancy both relate to change/growth.  You are coming to awareness about something in your life that you know needs to improve, but at the same time you're in denial about it.

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