
I know this is a cliche...but there a ghostly breathing in the basement.....?

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how weird breathing will bother people in certain places? I've seen this on tv. I just want to know what is it? if it bothers that many people it can't be the ghost of a relative. plus I don't think they would try to scare me. I know this thing was trying to scare me, because I stood my ground and told it to !@% off. I wasn't afraid of it at all, I think that pissed it off. So here is the whole story:

Im at my grandma's in Virginia, and whenever I come out here, I sleep in the basement- it always bothers me. My grandma thinks its because of the Civil War, thats what everybody says....(she and her husband are deaf so they can't hear it by the way...)

The first time I heard it was in December on Christmas eve at 2 am. Me and my brother were creeped out by the dark basement room that led to the stairs so we hooked our arms and went up the stairs back to back, i was in the middle of saying somthing when we both froze a sec then looked at each other then pushed each other out of the way, running.

Now I've been here 2 days. the first day I heard a little girl talking to me in the kitchen. that didn't bother me at all. the second day, yesterday, all day since morning it has been trying to get my attention I assume. first I heard it when I went to the bathroom after I woke up. I heard it then remembered about it and said "stop it man", then the next time I was watching tv in the afternoon and I heard it over the loud tv, and I yelled "AGAIN?!?! what the !#@$, I'm trying to watch !#% tv."; then throughout the day I heard it, it wasn't very loud so I ignored it.

there were little things that were moved a bit, like the door that I left open was shut, and little things that only I touch- were moved. but I ignored it because I feel corny saying "oh a ghost moved my stuff", its so very silly. I know nobody else did it though because Im down there alone.

So this last time I was in bed trying to fall asleep, last night. it grew louder and louder. it for sure is a man or somthing breathing, could have a bit of a growl to it- but not intense, just creepy. and I heard it, it wasn't terribly loud but I said somthing like "what the h**l man? are you serious?! I'm trying to sleep!!"; then right after I said that- it got too loud for comfort, I usually stand my ground and tell it to go away, but I never heard it so loud, like it was mad, I could even hear it through my plugged ears- so I ran my booty up the stairs.

What is it? There was even a picture of Jesus and a cross in there. I'm not religious, but my grandma has it up.... I just thought maybe that would keep it away, and prove me somthing....




  1. too much for me to read, so I'll keep me answer short

    stop smoking crack

  2. Are you even old enough to be in this web site, children should not huff glue, children need to have regular psychiatric examinations, children should be wormed before the age of 16...

    and remember to spay and neuter your children.

  3. well it sounds like a presence in the house. its trying to get ur attention not to hurt u i think. if its a ghost a crucifix wont do anything to it. now if the pic of jesus falls and or the crucifix rturns itself upside down get the h**l out of there its a demon. and u dont mess with that. its sounding creepy.... i wouldnt live there  

  4. It's just the atheati dear.  Don't be afraid. They will move on soon.

  5. Honey, I have no idea, but I think you should talk to an adult you trust.

  6. yeah my grandparents house is the same. well it used to be, but there hasn't been anymore encounters in the last couple of years. but yeah basically a lot of breathing noises, footsteps, movements. that sort of thing. my grandparents would never admit to it. i don't think they ever cared.  

  7. See a therapist. Quickly.

  8. It might be imagination, or it might not. I have dealt with these kinds of things before myself and thought is was my imagination, but I prayed and the oppression left so I knew it wasn't 'just me'.

    I've come to understand that there can be places that have become disturbed do to a trauma like a Civil War battle, etc.

    I do not believe in ghosts as lost souls, but I do believe in things that disturb places where there has been a great deal of human suffering.

    Pray the prayer below and believe in it and if there is something bad in your basement, it should leave you alone for a time. The cross itself is not what guards against evil spirits. Only God and his angels can do that.

    God Bless and I hope that your basement can be cleansed.

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