
I know this is a dumb question but how can i improve my r&B vocals more soulful?? anyone please : /?

by  |  earlier

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hey so like i am an R&B artist chek out my music at

tellme what u guys think

but anyways i wanna build better runs(ad-libs) and becoming more powerful maybe louder? and having a better tone.. how can i build that screamin voice or well projected voice? its like between chest and head voice dat alot of them use.. any drills or exercies for this type of genre and also building my falsettos but yes it wud be great if some one could help :) thank you and GOd bless

2 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. d**n dude...I wasn't expecting that at all.  

    You're pretty solid already.  

    That's not my style of music, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.  Well done!  You using Reason for the instruments and drum beats?  It's put together and composed very nicely.  

    But hey, you are spot on man, when you say more power.  Some of those trail ons are spot on, and some of them are a little bit shaky / flat at times because of a slight lack in power.  But hey overall, it still sounds pretty d**n good.  But as with everything, you can always work on your skill and improve.  Nothing wrong with always wanting to get better.  

    As for drills, you need to expand and strengthen your diaphram.  That's how you sing, is from your diaphram and you are already doing this, if you realize it or not.  

    Good diaphram excercises are simple and easy.  The best one I found is to take a deep breath in (see your stomach push away from you, get bigger), then while you exhale say your alphabet at a steady pace (you'll see your stomach start to suck in towards you as you exhale).  Go as long as you can...when I started this drill I could do the alphabet almost one full time at steady pace before running out of I can do it nearly 3 full times with one breath.  Once you run out of air, stay in control and take one deep breath again and do it over again.  Stay controlled...don't stop in between and take a drink of water of throw in a few quick breaths, stay disciplined and only take one big breath of air each time.  Do this drill for about 10 minutes a day.  You'll see improvements as soon as 10-14 days.  This will help get you a larger air chamber.  A bigger air chamber opens doors for everything, more steady trail-ons, more power, faster lyrics, etc.  It's the key to being able to be powerful, be quick, and hold good tone.  

    Another great drill is get to a piano and start running through scales.  If you don't know any scales, just realize that all the white Keys are the Key of C Major.  So you can just fly through that scale.  Also realize no one can sing all 88 keys of the piano, so make sure you find your range.  Probably around one or one 1/2 octaves below Middle C and one or one 1/2 octaves above middle C.  That's pretty standard male voice range.  As you get farther above middle C, this will start that falcetto voice.  As you work on running through these scales it will help your tone in this range.  This is also how you train to expand your range and hit higher and lower notes, you haven't been able to do before.  

    My email is availalbe if you got any questions.  But keep going man.  R&B ain't my style, but I liked your stuff a lot.  Good Luck.

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