
I know this is a stupid question but how do i know what shape my face is?

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I know this is a stupid question but how do i know what shape my face is?




  1. A good way is to look at yourself straight on (with all of your hair pulled back away from your face) in a mirror take a dry erase marker and trace the outline of your reflection on the mirror.  You should see the shape of your face.

  2. If you r like most ppl it will be kind of round with two eyes, a nose and a mouth, in that order reading from the top down and with ears on the side. Any other arrangement, you have problems.

  3. where the pic at?

  4. it depends if it is rectangle use this area=length*width

    if it is triangle 1/2*base*h

    if it is trapezium 1/2*(a+b)h

    if you get odd no sorry your face undefined or empty set ;( -:(

  5. google it

  6. A good way to see what shape your face is is by examining your forehead and chin. (Using, of course, a mirror)

    Typically, someone with a forehead that's wider than the jaw and a narrow chin would have a heart-shaped face. The other three categories are as follows:

    Oval - Long face, high forehead and a narrow chin

    Round - Face is widest at cheeks, chin is round

    Square - Forehead and jaw are about the same width.

    Hope this helped.

  7. Look in the mirror and trace it.

  8. You paste a picture of yourself, and let us determine that ;)

  9. by looking in the mirror

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