
I know this is basic but what is "offside" in rugby?

by  |  earlier

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i know this is really basic and i know that it when the player with the ball runs up and down the pitch but is there anythign eles i need to know




  1. i think the answers are pretty thorough already... though i don't understand the "no offsides in open play" that someone said: everyone in front of the ball is offsides if you're on offense (hence the "only backward/lateral passes" rule - everything else, i.e. forward, is offsides).  Just remember that if you're not in a lineout, you must be 10m back and cannot advance until the ball's come out.  Also, everyone who was in front of the kicker at the time of a kick is offsides - and will remain offsides until the kicker runs forward past them or someone who was behind the kicker at the time of the kick (and is thus onsides) puts the rest of the team onsides in the same way.

  2. I hope this helps.

    In General Play: A player is in an off-side position if he is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball, or in front of a team-mate who last played the ball. Off-sides means that a player is temporarily out of the game and is liable to be penalized if he takes part in the play. The player must either be put on-side by a team-mate or opponent, or move away from the ball.

    Off-side at a Kick: A player is offside if he is in front of a team-mate who has kicked the ball ahead. He must retire until the player or an on-side team-mate has put him on-side.

    Off-side at a Knock-on: When a player knocks-on and an off-side team-mate plays the ball, the off-side player is liable to be penalized if playing the ball prevented the opposition from advantage.

    Off-side at a Scrum, Ruck, Maul or Line-out: A player is off-side in the relevant parts of that play if he is in front of the imaginary off-side line. This line is behind the last point (e.g. team-mates feet in a scrum) in that play.

    For more information on rules of the game try this site

  3. That is an intresting one.

  4. Offside in rugby can be tricky as it changes depending on the state of play, so here goes......

    In open play, there is no off side (contrary to popular belief)

    At a ruck,or a maul the respective back feet are the off side line for each of the teams.

    At a line out the offside line (apart for the scrum half (no.9)) is 10m from the center of the line out. This stays enforced until the ball has moved from the position that it was thrown in to.

    At a scrum, again it is the back feet unless you are the scrum half when it is the ball that plays them on side.

    From a kick in open play, the attacking team can not interferer with play if they were in front of the kick until the kicker, or a player that was behind the kicker runs past them. Unless of course the ball is touched in flight then every one is on side.

    No confusion there then!

  5. the cat ate a guinnie pig nmed jimmy cat face whilst sukin a red hat hope that helps:)

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