
I know this is going to be TMI, but I need to know.?

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When you are pregnant, is it normal for your s*x drive to go away, and for s*x to be unsatisfying? Meaning, no matter what your poor husband does, there just isnt any response at all from your body? I don't know if I am pregnant or not, but we have been trying for a few months now. I guess I was wondering if it is normal for my body to behave this way, and if it could mean that I am pregnant?




  1. Don't you think it's a possibility that your body may not want s*x? I mean, sometimes your body just wants to rest. Plus, if you've been trying to get pregnant, maybe the routine of it is getting old.

  2. Typically, the hormonal changes that occur in the first months of pregnancy make you want MORE s*x, not less.  But that doesn't usually show up till about month 2 or 3.

    Your lack of s*x drive could be psychological.  You could be subconsciously worried about what will happen when you DO become pregnant (physical changes, the birthing process, etc), or you could be worried about not being able to become pregnant -- especially when you've been trying for a while without success, or something along those lines.

    If you are still having problems in a month or two, discuss this with your doctor.  

  3. Well it's normal to not have a s*x drive while pregnant. It really is different with everyone. Who knows if after you will regain it back. It could be months, even years. I was in your situation with a no s*x drive and it's not pleasant. I tried dieting and exercising but it didn't do anything. Until I tried this natural herbal enhancer which is meant to increase the s*x drive along with other things I've noticed. It's a topical oil called Hersolution Gel which is like an instant libido boost. Along with that my sensations are just blasting and my orgasms are then best. Read up about it at where I saved on it at the time. It got better with every application. I was skeptical at first but the companies return policy made me commit. From what I remember you have to try out for a couple months but then after that you can return it if it doesn't work. It would work great for your situation considering your pregnant and theres no need to swallow anything. Well good luck and I hope this helps.

  4. Well if you don't know that you're pregnant yet, that means it's too early in a pregnancy for there to be any side effects like that.

    Most women actually have a higher s*x drive when they are pregnant.

    Is it possible that you guys have just made it too routine/mechanical because you are trying too hard to have kids? Maybe you just need to cool it, take it easy, and relax a little. I know of many couples who have lost all the spark in their marriage because they are desperate to have kids. And actually, it's when you aren't frantically trying that you are actually more likely to get pregnant. Good luck.

  5. take a test to find out if ur preg.  or look for other signs.  some women do have sexual changes during preg, but it sounds like it's too early for that

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