
I know this is old but my mind is still boggled on why anybody could possibly support the war in iraq?

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even the soldiers dont know why they are there i have a brother out in iraq and he couldnt even give me a valid answer and he is in support of it

if he cant give me a valid answer there is no way any of you can i guess this is just a rhetorical question but at the same time i do wanna know what could possess a person to support something so fruitless

before you answer keep in mind sadaam is not the reason this war started or anything in iraq for that matter

have we completly forgotten 9/11?

id bet osama bin laden doesnt even exist




  1. mc cain is neck to neck with obama, that ought to tell you something about the USA.

  2. The war in Iraq was fought because Saddam gave the impression that he had or was developing NBC weapons.

    The west has a valid fear of a radioactive device contaminating a large urban or agricultural area.

    No one has found any NBC weaponry (aka WMD) in Iraq. Lots of theories of what may have happened to them if they existed. Point is though that Saddam gave the impression he had them and would either use them or put them in the hands of someone who would.

    One nuclear bomb will ruin your whole day.

    Lots of other good reasons for going to war in Iraq but this one gave the US the Cassus Bellus.

  3. Wow what a way to bring the morale down for your brother.  I hope to God you don't bother him with your comments about why he is fighting for America.  When he signed up for the armed forces he knew that there are possibilities of war.  No nobody has forgotten about 9-11, you can believe whatever you want about the existence of Osama BL but keep your comments to yourself, not to your brother.  Thank God for him! Maybe you ae confused from smoking weed.

  4. This might be a disturbing thing the more you get into it. Most of us have little choice deciding which direction to take. Modern societies run because there are enough people blindly following the person in front of them into the factories, offices, and other places of work. Many do not have the luxury of a good education that might give them the ability to

    ask questions like you have just done. Analytical thinking has been successfully dumbed out of most educational establishments so people will not question orders from above.  

  5. Uh maybe to win it-in case you haven't noticed Bush's strategy of using the surge worked and the war is as good as won

    Although Democrats and people like Obama refuse to admit it the war was won in spite of them doing everything in their power to undermine the effort and the troops

    To be fair the Democrats did say they support the troops, they just didn’t say they support OUR TROOPS

  6. Sure?

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics " Smokes get in you eyes"

    Must have been the mirage at the desert.

    Here !

    Have a glass of drinking water.

    Decode this lyrics " I can see clearly now"

    After having a glass of water.

    Must be the hot sun.

    After crawling too long in the desert.

    With lost sense of direction going in circles in the dunes.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  7. They could support it for reasons like:

    Could be that oil resources are going to be in short supply and the eggheads at the CIA recommended obtaining a secure source or

    Bush and Cheney and a select totally irresponsible group of capitalists wanted to make some money, or warhawks at the pentagon wanted to finish the job they started in the Persian Gulf War, or "W" wanted to settle a score for his father, or Iraq is the very best strategic site for control of the entire Middle East.

    Some people think it is in USA's best interests and other people think it is patriotic to support it.

    It's just sad that so many people died that should have been alive and happy and enjoying life.

    We will have to see what happens about finding Osama Bin Laden now that Pakistan's Musharef is gone.

    I bet the USA bombs Pakistan and sends troops in to search for Bin Ladin.That could cause unrest in Pakistan and be even more trouble,

    The thing is, even if they get Bin Laden now-he has sown a lot of seeds of destruction with all the publicity and the bad behavior of the Americans in Iraq.There will be another fanatic growing up to take his place.

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