
I know this is way out there, but maybe someone else has had this?

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I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant, taking my prenatal vits. and drinking oj in the am, things I never did before, now I have a bad foot, it hurts to put weight on it and it feels good to rub it, I did nothing to hurt it and its not swollen, could it be too much of a certian vitamin?




  1. no pre natal vitamin don't have more than you need and oj is great during calcium . you need to see your dr.

  2. Perhaps you've noticed that your belly isn't the only thing getting bigger right now. Your feet also are particularly vulnerable to swelling during pregnancy. While pregnant, you have more blood and other fluids circulating in your body -- as much as six to eight extra quarts. And because of gravity, some of that fluid settles in your feet, says Jane Andersen, a podiatrist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and a spokeswoman for the American Podiatric Medical Association.

    Many women notice the swelling throughout pregnancy, but especially during the third trimester. It seems to be worse during the summer months, presumably because of the heat.

    Because gravity plays a big role in swelling, elevate your feet at least three to four times a day. When lying on a sofa or in bed, prop your feet up on pillows; when sitting in a chair, place your feet on a footstool. (This also helps prevent back pain.) Here are some more tips:

    •Don't sit for long periods of time. Make it a point to get up and walk for a few minutes of every hour.  

    •Wear full-length support stockings as often as possible, and avoid socks with tight bands around the calf or ankle.  

    •Exercise helps. Water aerobics are ideal because the "hydrostatic" pressure helps distribute fluids that have pooled in your feet.

    •Ask your partner, if you have one, to give you a foot massage. It will increase circulation and help disperse the edema.  

    •Increase your fluid intake. It seems counterintuitive, but the more water you drink, the less swelling and water retention you'll experience.  

    •Don't squeeze your feet into ill-fitting shoes.  

  3. no that has nothing to do with it

    call your primary doctor

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