
I know this is weird.. guys size ?

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I recently broke up with my ex and he was small (and thats how i liked it!) and now im scared to be with any other guy ... this new guy ive met said hes "6 inches and like 2inchs wide" i know someone that had been with him and they said it was big. because im not sure when it comes to p***s size,is this big ? im terrified!




  1. That's average.

  2. Thats pretty small for a full grown man

  3. v****a are amazing (aside from feeling really good) in that they can stretch to extreme proportions (think babies). So don't worry. Oral is always fun!

    I would be more worried about whether or not this guy can use it. whether or not he can get you to o****m. I know many guys who say their penises are bigger than usual/mine but i guarantee you they can't get a girl off like i can. More to s*x then a p***s.

  4. Six inches  is absolutely average, but two inches in girth is  more, but I doubt his measurement on girth was  that big.

  5. 6" Is average for any guy. All those other guys that brag about their p***s size is full of Trash... Most guys are like OH YEA MY p***s IS HUGE I GOT AN 8" p***s I WAS WITH SO MANY GIRLS etc........

    It really doesnt matter anyways how big the guys p***s is... Its all in the technique....

    Just make sure he wears a condom and ur fine =P. Hope that answer helps!!!

  6. average

  7. lol i guess that's  a normal size :P

  8. umm..... that's not big

    that's all I'm sayin

  9. sounds bout average.

    average length for a man is five and a half inches long, i dont know about girth tho

  10. although different people are different the averages are below. remember that average does not mean everyone is this size.

    The ‘average’ length of an erect adult p***s is about 6".

    It’s worth remembering that the average adult p***s is 'designed' to fit the average depth of the adult v****a which is also about 6".

    There is no normal or average size for a soft/flaccid p***s because they vary enormously. Some guys ‘shrink’ a lot more than others when soft. You can NEVER judge how big a guy will be when he is erect from his soft p***s size.

    The ‘average’ girth of an erect adult p***s, that is the distance AROUND the p***s measured at the thickest point, is about 5". Anywhere between 4.7” and 5.2” is normal.

    Most p***s growth happens between the ages of 12 and 16 with a subsequent slower rate of growth until the age of 17 or 18. Sometimes up till about 24 or 25yo.

    Approximate lengths for under 18’s are:

    At the beginning of puberty 2.4”

    12 to 13 ....... 3.0" to 4.0”

    14 to 15 ....... 4.0" to 5.0”

    16 to 17 ....... 5.0" to 6.0”

  11. Bout average, take it slow and relax. Big is good.

  12. Maybe thicker than average, but not exceptionally long.

  13. guys lie.

    he may be that big but he may not.

    dont worry about might hurt the first time but it will be worth it.

  14. its average XD

  15. Thats okay.

  16. normal size is about 5-7 inches. big would be 8 inches or over. small is like under 4 inches.

    but their p***s size shouldn't really matter, well atleast be the main concern. focus on the personality more.

  17. lol

    I'm willing to bet he's bullshitting

    Hey when you get down to s*x bring a ruler out from behind your back. should surprise him a little

  18. No thats a normal size but the width is a little big so it might hurt the first time if your not wet enough. Anyway you might like it. But why in the world would you want to be with a guy whose been with someone you already know?

  19. very average

  20. dnt be scared of a p***s size. it cant do much. 6 isnt TOO big. i prefer 8 =P

  21. no, that's average.

  22. you just need to strech your ****.. i sugest a wine bottle, a baseball bat or a black guy.  

  23. Calm down! Your going to survive! You shouldn't worry about the size! It's only a size!

  24. First of all, your not embarrassed at all about asking about this? Second, that really isn't that big. It's basically less than average.

  25. that's a little over average. avg is between 5.4 inches and 6 inches, 3 inch girth. i'm bigger than him, haha! he seems like a good guy actually admitting his size and not exaggerating.  

  26. Well frankly, you ought to enjoy our new bf's tackle... but you might need to teach him how to drive it just the way you like it. This is, obviously one of the joys of having a new partner... i.e. the exchange of ideas.


    Get him in a three way with that lizard thing just above me..... she seems to know what she is doing!

  27. is it big to you.....who cares get a life  

  28. Your v****a is somewhat flexible and will accomodate penises of different sizes.  The bigger he is the more important foreplay is tho.  Foreplay causes your body to lubricate the appropriate area and loosens the muscles. Very important!!  In fact, if you have an o****m before penetration it will cause your v****a to actually lengthen a bit and he'll fit in much better.  

    If you don't already know, find out where you clitoris is and make sure your guy knows where it is too. It is the key to your o****m, I don't mean that penetration isn't amazing but if he stimulates your clitoris first if will go a long way to making it better for you both.  Oral is good if he knows what he's doing but if he uses his fingers the best thing is for him to slide one or two inside you first so that he picks up some of that lubrication I was talking about earlier, then he can start gently rubbing your C**t. He can go back and forth with his fingers, inside then outside, etc. Rubbing it dry isn't comfortable at all. You could also use KY or something but you have all the lubricant that you need right there inside you.

  29. not horribly

  30. hes exaggerating  

  31. my bf is pretty big too ..

    nothing to be scared of really.

    youll get used to it

    if youre afraid, as him to take it slow the first time

    my bfs like 9 long, 2 wide.

    im used to it, it doesnt bother me, i look forawrd to it.

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