
I know this isn't that weird but....

by Guest33498  |  earlier

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I can't help but think of being with this guy and just letting him "do" me.

He's one of my friends and he's deff not a virgin and says he's popped 20-30 girls cherrys.

i can't stop thinking about it and its really starting to annoy me.

he wants to add me to his list but knows its not going to happen but he's discribed in pretty great detail what he would do before.

i can't stop and its just making me really horny which is not so great right now.

like i like it, really i love it.

its what i need to be feeling good again.

but i kinda can't be thinking about right now

how do i stop this.?




  1. Whatever you do, DON'T do it with him. He's a man w***e!

  2. Popped some many girls cherries, make sure he doesn't have aids. Let him protect himself if he does it with you, by adding you to his list of "I WANT TO DO IT WITH".

    If I was in your shoes, I would tell him to F off. :)

    But then again it's down to you what you would want to do, just tell him to f off like I said, or just do it even if it makes you feel horny.

  3. sounds like he just wants to add you to his list, like you said.  it's really up to you to decide what kind of girl you are and how you will deal with it.  

  4. Think about how gross that is. 30 girls?! You wouldn't be anything special to him then. There are cuter guys who are much more respectful.  

  5. It's normal for teen boys and girls to think about s*x quite a lot; that doesn't mean they should act on it. I think if you did it you would deeply regret it afterward.  Many girls who do what you're describing struggle with depression, low self-esteem, and emotional problems as a result.  Add to that the risk of pregnancy or STD's.  Your virginity is precious.  Don't give it to just anyone. It sounds like this guy doesn't even respect you. Wait for the right man and the right time.  You will know when that happens; if you have to ask strangers on the internet what you should do, it's not the right person or the right time.  

  6. first of all he is probably lying about the cherries 20-30? come on and are you no better than just an addition to his list? you need some confidence girl.

  7. do you want aids ?

    cause thats what you'll get from this guy

  8. You could try concentrating on some other guy instead of getting it out of your mind altogether.

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