My daughter is 13 months old, and is the cutest baby you will ever meet, but she is starting to develop an "outie" (belly button pops out). Its only half way out now, but i can tell it will eventually pop out all the way. I would really rather have her to have an "innie", i know i have an "innie" and would never want an "outie". and i know my daughter would appreciate it too later in life,
Now i may sounds crazy, but is there anyway to make my daughters belly button stick in, my mother was telling me to tape a button inside it everyday, but im not so sure about it, I love my daughter either way but i am trying to look out for in the near future, i know there is nothing wrong with an "outie" belly button, but i want her have the best
so my questions are_
is there anyway i can do this?
what are your thoughts?
No rude comments, i love my daughter and would give my life for her, and i know i would want my parents to do the same
thanks : )