When I ask someone: What exactly is a bolt of lightning?
He answers me trustfully: It's a massive abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light..
- And what is thunder??
- A booming noise caused by air expanding along he path of a bolt of lightning..
Well, uh... That's the scientific view...
Here's the unexpectable point:
Have you ever known that the thunder we hear in the sky is actually the sound of an angel??!!
And those bolts of lightning are whips of fire held by him!!
That angel is as old as the earth, and he takes the responsibility of driving the heavy clouds away and spreading them (beside the wind)...
Lightning might occur while there isn't one piece of clouds in the sky (I've seen it myself).. And that proves...
Note: If you don't believe, it's up to you, but no silly answers, please!
I prefer not to tell the source of these information, but it's a trusted one... THANKS :)