
I know this may sound harsh, but do most married men cheat when they are deployed to Iraq?

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I know this is a nutso question, and I trust my husband completely. It's just that somebody on here said that all married men/boyfriends cheat when they are deployed.

First of all, in Iraq the culture is extremely different. Women are not allowed to speak to or even be near U.S. soldiers without permission of their husbands or fathers.

Second, the only women are other U.S. soldiers and I know there are strict rules about s*x on camps or bases.

Experiences? Facts? Anyone that's been over there know?

I'm not trying to blame or judge anybody. You guys are over there and I'm proud of you. I'm just curious.




  1. No they do not all do that.  That is a stereo type.  My husband did not.  Any man who loves his family will not do so.  There are more wives back home being s***s then there are men deployed.

  2. usually the people that say that all men cheat while on deployment have been cheated on and are bitter.  I have seen my fair share with the companies my hubby has been in and have gone to Iraq.  Usually the cheating though is between soldiers.  We had 7 females come home pregnant when our guys went to iraq the 1st time.  That is sad.  

    you just have to trust your hubby!!!  I know my hubby and I know that he would never do anything like that and IF he ever did he would feel so guilty about it he could not handle it so I am not worried about it and the thought of him cheating on me had never even crossed my mind.

    Don't listen to what other wives tell you about that stuff because you can get wrapped up in what they are saying.  You are a new spouse in the MP corps and trust me you will hear it.  Just remember to trust your hubby and have good communication and you will be fine.  

    Good Luck

  3. thats so stupid the only way they could cheat would be if they did some g*y stuff. my fiance said they can talk to gf and wives and get email and video. i know i will be sending him pics.. g*y is not cool. and the women that go over there are strong and respect themselves im guessing otherwise they would have been bitched out in boot camp. many of those women are mothers and wives.

  4. I think he will have way more important things to do.  Plus any good husband will happily wait for that one special woman in his life.

  5. I've found that guys that cheat on their wives here cheat over there with other female Soldiers. Its not different than if they were here. only 1 that we know of this deployment has cheated, of course we dont know them all

  6. Since guys have been deployed, there has been cheating... on both sides. The excuses are identical for both partners. "I'm here all alone [facing danger/keeping a house/raising a family]. and [he/she] is [out drinking and partying with his (her) buddies/safe at home with family and friends]. Why shouldn't I go out and have some fun?" I don't think most of those who cheat really intend to do so. But there's opportunity and some are weak.

    That said, ALL guys and gals don't cheat. It's one of the causes of the relatively high divorce rate among young enlisted peopl. But the primary cause is money.

    In the Middle East, guys have to go outside the country to find available civilian women. However, today they have men and women serving together... opportunity.

  7. It is true that some cheat (both men and women) but I think is varies from unit type to unit type - if you are in a combat arms unit your chance are far lower of finding someone to cheat with as most of the MOS in those units are closed to females.  Your chances of finding someone to cheat with (and thus the likelihood of you cheating) are greater in support units where there are more men and women serving together.

    I think the military mirrors the American public at large and with 50% or so of all marriages failing and many of those due to cheating I would bet that the same amount of military spouses cheat as civilians.  So it does happen but it's not as bad as many people think.

  8. Prostitutes are every where and yes, even in Iraq. Military person's can have affairs though it is done secretly either off base or on base. Now let me ask you a question, someone on here said, "Married women cheat on their husbands while their husband is deployed"? Good luck.

  9. Out of all the guys I know who have been over there... 2 have cheated... one cheated with a woman in his unit and one got a w***e while on leave in Italy... its not as common as people make it out to be.

  10. SOME men (and women) cheat while deployed.  The vast majority do not.  My husband has been deployed many times to various countries and it's relatively similar at those locations.  Those who do cheat generally have been having marital problems/issues before they left.  Those saying that all men do have probably had a husband/boyfriend cheat on them, so are generalizing.  Men are not all the same.

  11. If they have the opportunity, 90% of deployed military would cheat.  In Iraq, the opportunity is way less of course.  You don't have to worry about the local women, because of their culture.  Plus, most of them don't even leave their house.  The biggest threat to marriages over there is the female GI's.  Most of them get passed around a lot.  We called them "poof queens" because in the real world they're just average looking or below average looking, but when deployed to places like Iraq where the female to male ratio is so low, Poof they're a queen.   Plus, most seem to have really low self esteem and they're happy to be getting so much attention from the guys.  Yes, the military has strict rules against it, but it doesn't matter, s*x happens a lot anyway.

  12. No not all married men cheat when they are over there. The only ones i heard about from my hubby were soldiers that are getting divorce or are separated from their wives already so they don't consider it cheating. I have heard more stories about wives cheating than the husbands to tell the truth. But if your husband and you have a strong relationship then their is nothing to worry about.  

  13. If you trust your husband completely, you answered your own question. Don't worry about what others have told you. Write him everyday, call him if you can. Send pictures, not just of you and family, but of your home town, kids waving American flags, what ever brings America closer to him. And, in your next letter to him, please express the thanks of me and my entire family for his service, and our thanks to you for standing by his side. Sometimes waiting is as tough as doing. In this case, it's tougher.  

  14. No, most do not. And most spouses at home do not. Cheaters will cheat, and non-cheaters will not, regardless of deployment.

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