
I know this may sound weird, but my friend and I have...powers...Anyone else? don't knock us, just positive.

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Look, My Friend and I things...things that other people can't do. You see, we feel alone and I was wondering who else out there things. Please reach out to us. Don't be shy. please we need to know there are others. Leave what you can do, or just that you can do things.




  1. Yeah..i can totally relate to you...

    like whenever i get upest...lights start to flicker..

    but when i get really pissed...the light blows...

    and when i am rains really bad!

    but dont feel like an outcast or anything...there are more people out there...

    they just dont have the guts to let it out like you!

    so be proud and not them for good!

  2. What kind of powers? I mean i've had a sorta non-power thing since i was little where i can dream and see things that i will do in the future?

  3. I discovered the most incredible thing when I walked into the supermarket. I can will doors open using "the force"! It was amazing. All I had to do was walk towards the doors and they slid open just like in Star Trek!

  4. I have abilities too.  I can sense spirits, even though I can't out-and-out see them.  I have visions occasionally.  Sometimes I can get psychic impressions of other people, events, spirits, etc.  I'm not very strong in my abilities yet because I just got my first experiences with them a few months ago.  I'd love to hear more about your abilities!  Shoot me an email at if you want.

  5. when i get annoied or angrey at someone something bad happens and it has been a problem, see my first asked question. You're not alone.

  6. You maybe a PSI...Hmm...??? Some kind of Vampire or some sort...On the other hand, I can see the past, present, and future of my life...

  7. very interesting. very powerful. thats an amazing ability u n ya frin hav. i commend u on sharing it. maybe u should explore sum positive way2use this power. like try2drain the life out of parasites,cancer cells n the such. or u could stop an animal from attacking a human, or generate life2the sick. many blessings2u while on ya journey.

  8. I think you may be a power ranger.

  9. I wish I could believe you, but you're story sounds too far-fetched. Sorry.

    - P.

  10. Im not really the type of person who doesn't belive in stuff like this, I just have an opened mind.Can you control your powers? Maybe you should tell a family member about them.

  11. thats amazing!! u must have soo much focus. and its good u have a friend. at least u no wat your powers are! but u r not alone. first try taking your powers to a different scale. like kill a squirrel then let your friend bring it back to life. the move to larger things. ex...

  12. I used not to believe in those kind of things but.. well.. some months ago I started to feel strange. I started doing strange dreams, I've become a sleepwalker, I can't tolerate much the sun light. I'm scared, maybe I'm just too stressed but I'm feeling so weak now.. I don't know.. maybe I'm getting crazy. I don't know if what people say is real or they're just having fun. It's probably a virus, I'm trying to forget all this.

  13. I totally feel for you.  People have called me crasy lots of times for the things I can do.

    I actually can do a couple of abnormal things, and all of them relate to emotions and energy.

    One of them is that my dreams come true.  I don't mean that in an "I get my way all the time" way, I mean literally; the things I see in dreams happen soon after.

    Sometimes its just little things I see, like when my chives flowered for the first time or seeing that someone I know is deeply guilty about something.  But usually its big stuff.  I saw when my Mom was gonna have another baby and I saw that the baby was gonna be a girl.  I told my other sisters about this before I knew it would come true and they told me I was wacked and that our Mom was too old to have any more kids.  She was in her late fourties at the time.  Then when she told us, and I asked my sisters 'wasn't I right' they wouldn't aknolledge it at all.  

    I have also seen when someone was lonely, doomed for disaster (even though I tried to help them but they wouldn't let me), about to die (my Grandma), going to attack me, g*y (that happened about two different guys) had a crush on me or freakish obsession with me, or would turn out to be untrustwouthy.  All in all it's pretty useful and I can always tell when a dream will come true because they always focus on a very specific emotion and feel strangely real.  But I feel guilty because I never know how much I can help people that I see stuff happen to, and its a constant struggle to understand.

    Also, I can push my energy onto other people or things to either help them or protect myself.  Or sometimes just to move them.  But there have been times that I have given too much of my energy to others to help them feel better or heal and almost fainted.  One time I got attacked by this one person's affliction and some onlookers called an ambulance on me, but of course they couldn't find anything wrong with my body and let me go.  (Ironically, I had had a dream that the person would attack me, and thats how it happened.) After that I had to learn to project my energy and make a shield around myself, and the more I practice, the stronger I've gotten.

    Sometimes I can even feel what someone else is feeling when they stand near me, or if I already have a connection with them, when they are away.  Sometimes this makes my life suck, because I usually can't make their pain go away, but I can still feel it.

    I can appearently also project my energy at people and make them cower and freak out.  These were usually people I had been fighting with, many of whom later admitted a feeling of major intimidation.  I never do this to hurt people, but I am very strong willed, and they pick up on that feeling.

    As far as just moving things, I can't make objects move yet, but I keep trying.  What I can move are the people.  One time I hovered my hand over one of my friends hands and focused a strong energy into, neither one of us knowing what would happen.  His entire arm went into masive spasm and started jicking all over the place.  It didn't hurt him, he said it felt really cool.  I think that it only would have hurt him if I had put malice into it, and I wouldn't ever want to do that.

    Sometimes I see supernatural things too, including being attacked by them, but I always fight back and pray so I can connect to pure life energy, and I have been kept safe.

    You are very fortunate to have a friend who understands you and who you can talk to.  I always talk to my Dad about the weird stuff because I inherited my abuilities from him and my Mom both.  He gets it, and can always advise and teach me how to better understand and use my abuilities, and I completely love and trust him and his teachings.

    You and your friend aren't alone.  Everybody has at least some abuility, but most of them deny it until it no longer existes because others say that they're crazy.  But we aren't the crazy ones.  They are.

  14. you have just made me feel so much better!! its like something has been lifted..i am not the only one!! i do what you do, i am able to drain the life force of living things which is really sad but unfortunately true :(

    but why does it happen?? i can do other stuff as well... if you want to talk you can email me on okay?? cos it would be rly good to actually talk to someone like me!

  15. I can create things in my world.  Once I created everyone in my neighborhood wearing Dr. Sesuss hats, honest to god.  It freaked me out!  I learned how to do this by reading "A Course In Miracles" a very, very deep and trippy book.  You and your friend should check it out.

  16. I could put the water on without using my hands, I have visions, the lights start to blink when I'm mad and powerful, I hear sounds far away and from the future, I contact spirits, I could control what your saying, sense things that are coming, I feel good or bad energy then it makes me have bad moods or good moods.

  17. I dont know if this is a power but if I dream someone died within a month that person passes

  18. well if i knew where all my ex's were i'd give ya their number, i'm attracted to guys that are "different" to say the least. most of them could see and talk to ghosts. (this includes my current bf)  i can see ghosts sometimes, i just choose to ignore them/not look b/c they do scare me.  i can bend and work with my engery(i'm outta pratice but it's like riding a bike) and i create energy animals that i can send out and play with as pets.i can also tell when something is wrong with someone, or when they're about to get sick and what's wrong in general, but i think that just takes time and watching people to do, nothing really special. but other then that not too much for me, more just the people around me and that i hang out with can do "different" things.

    edit: i also have dreams of what's going to happen. . . i dont usually dream and if i do it'd be something that'd scare stephen king or i dream of things to come. . . one time i had a dream of a place i worked 3 months before i ever lived in that area, ever visited the store, ever meet anyone in the dream. . . even before i thought of transfering jobs to that store. when the event happened the way i saw in my dream i freaked out and ran to the bathroom... it doesnt happen every day, but enough that i know now when it is happening.

  19. In Heroes season 2, there were a brother/sister pairing that could do the exact same thing as you.  Maybe you should contact them.

    On a more serious note, I can sense things before they happen.  Not like in a psychic way where they have to channel a spirit or meditate, but in a more practical way.  I think it has to do with the fact that I am very observant and can read people extremely well, so I can predict things that happen.

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