
I know this one kid named zack cossum. He has aids. This one kid Marco castillo punched him. And Got ADIS??

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I know this one kid named zack cossum. He has aids. This one kid Marco castillo punched him. And Got ADIS??




  1. Lmao do you mean punched or butt fucked?

  2. thats complete rubbish and you know it, unless he punched the lad (aids) with an already cut knuckle, and hit the lads head which was already cut, in the same places.

    thats unlikely but probably cud happen

    does that help?

  3. If the blood went inside an open wound, then he might get the virus. You don't get AIDS right away, you first get the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). That causes the immune system to fail, leading to infections. When the virus takes over your system, then it turns to AIDS.

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