
I know this question has been around already.but i really do need help?

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i need some ideas on what to wear for the first day of school.Please im always stuck wearing sweaters and it sucks so much..but this year i want to any 16 and ill be a junior




  1. get the kind of tops that get tight under the b***s and then flow away from the body like this:

    its called a babydoll tee

    oh, and by the way i have no idea who that is...=]

  2. Poor baby, Well don`t wear things that are too tight...My son is 17 and I pick him up from school everyday and  I see chubby girls trying to wear things that belong on a girl who is a size 4. So don`t do that! Wear loose tops and dark bottoms you should be fine. I know your question was not about weight but since you mentioned being chubby. Just fallow this small task and the weight will fall off. No Potato's,Nothing with white flour, and try to eat as little sugar as possible. None at all if you can help it. Your clothes will start to get baggy in about 2 weeks I promise!! but you got to be honest with yourself. Don`t eat to much fruit..... apples,bananas, are best. Drinks lots of water. Most of all get exercises!!! You only need to do 35-45 minutes of cardie 3-4 times a week. When I was your age I used to do jumping jack in my room before i went to bed and sit ups. I stayed thin in school because I had to work at it. Skinny girls don`t pig out! I hope my extra answer doesn't upset you.....You should be enjoying you time in high school having fun! not worrying  about your weight and trying to hide your chubbies with sweaters;o)

  3. Try a baby doll top there good if you've got a bit of meat on yah. for bottoms try and find some nice jeans or lululemon pants. Match it up with some cute bracelets and do your hair cute and wavy. Good luck! Get out there and break some hearts!

  4. I don't know if you are a girl or a boy.  Profile doesn't say.  If I were you, I would dress a little nice, so then you would be differenet than the others.  If female I would wear something nice like a dress or skirt instead of levis and t shirt..You may not want to be different but I think you would stand out more and you may even  get to be seen as a unique person who doesn't just go along with the crowd.  People actually admire people who are individualists and do their own thing.  If you are a guy than just wear slacks and shirt. Not Levis.

  5. well u should go to the store and try on a whole bunch of clothes, wear whatever u feel comfortable in. make ur own style...ur not gonna get anywhere if u dress and act how other people do. i know we hear this a lot but its true. im not telling u to go wear pjs to school just wear a plain solid shirt (maybe a collar or a shape to give u curves.) and some jeans that complement ur shape other than clash with it.

    its really hard to find the perfect pants in affordable and fitting so u gotta try on like, an @$$ load of pants before u find the rite pair good luck

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