
I know this sounds kinda mean but should I re-home my dog?

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My mum finally got me a dog for my birthday and it was meant to be totally my dog and love me more, i walk it and feed it and look after it but it just always wants to be with my mum. Should I re-home her and start over with a new dog? Because there is no point doing all that just to get nothing but grief.

Please don't say horrible stuff because I really don't want to re-home her but i'm not interested if i do all the work while my mum gets all the good stuff... please tell me how i can make her love ME?




  1. Oooohh!!! What a selfish little madam you are? Dump the dog because it prefers your Mom to you? Perhaps the dog has picked up that you are selfish and spoiled!!!!  Do us a favour?  DON'T get another dog until you've grown up a bit. Perhaps your dog has sensed how childish you are, and dogs don't like spiteful kids!!

    You should have thought more about getting a dog which is left alone all day. It's no life for the animal.

  2. I don't really know what you should do but I do understand how you feel.

    I just wanted to say ignore the morons on here who criticise you - your reactions and feelings are 100% natural and good on you for trying to work out the right thing to do.

    Good luck mate.

  3. one of my dogs likes my mam more than me, but i wouldnt rehome her. say if you do rehome your dog and you get another, what if that new dog does the same thing.

  4. If yuor mum has been spending the most time with it then yes of course the dog is going to be more attached.

    You should have reasearched the breed because it might be genetically attached to you mum because of hair clour smell etc.

    If you really feel like it likes your mum more then yes and tell her its the wrong breed or something like that.

    In my opinion don't soon as though you waited long enough it should come round

  5. You sound completely selfish and ridiculous. You obviously were not ready for a dog, if you expect it to totally commit to one person only. Its because of people like you that so many loving dogs end up in shelters yearly. So no, do not rehome your dog. Even if you do, don't get another. They should not be placed with someone who acts and thinks this way towards her dogs.  

  6. WOW!

    i am going to be mean because this is ridiculous?!

    no DONT rehome the dog and get a new one!

    you make me vomit.

    SHINY, we are not morons! are you 10 like her? most likely.

  7. You don't want to hear the horrible stuff but can you imagine if one of your parents wanted to give you away because you liked the other one a bit more?

  8. If that's a serious question. You shouldn't have had a dog in the first place. I suggest you grow up and learn that you can not buy affection. You should really be trying to address the whole in your life that caused you to buy the dog in the first place. Start by talking to your mother.

  9. that would be so unfair to make it leave coz it doesnt love you the most just get another dog so u have one each

  10. My good ol' deceased Mutley followed my husband everywhere and I was the one who did all the 'dirty work'.  It happens and that's OK.  Your dog must see your Mom as the pack leader.  That doesn't mean your dog doesn't love you, the dog just chose a different leader.  I don't think re-homing is the right thing as your dog is happy, you don't say otherwise.  Accepting that this is what is happening would be better and learning how to relate in your own way is important.  When Mutley was sick, she came to me.  Wanted a cuddle, came to me.  But she needed to know where my husband was all the time.  It just happens.

  11. You cannot make your dog love you. You aren't complaining about your dog misbehaving. You are just being selfish. You can't just throw dogs out and get a new one. The same thing will happen. I guarantee it! Your mom is the alpha. That doesn't mean your dog doesn't love you though.

  12. That is selfish.  I f the dog likes your mum just accept it.

  13. Dogs look to the pack leader for guidance and you are not the pack leader.

    No you should not get another dog as you will have the very same issues with another dog that you have now.

    It really sounds like you are far to immature and selfish to be good dog owner.

    Being an owner means doing all of the dirty work even if they like someone else best. That is what life is like. Get used to it and learn from this experience.  

  14. If your dog likes your mum more than you then just get another dog and make sure that you don't just do all those things but take it to obedience classes and let it get to know you better!

    Good Luck!

  15. "it was meant to be totally my dog and love me more"

    A lot of stuff in life doesn't turn out like 'it's meant to be'. It's a fact and you can't make any pet love you coz that's what you expect.

    You shouldn't even have expectations from your pet, it's an animal, it doesn't think the same way as you.

    I agree with comments about going to obedience classes together, if you're serious about solving this 'problem' (which is not a problem, it's your misinterpreting the animal's behaviour as favouritism!). You would learn some good techniques to keep her concentrated on you, and how to have some fun together and develop a special bond.

    In our house, my dad is always the one all the pets go to, regardless of whose pet it is. Some people just have that special connection with kids and animals.

    If my dog makes a bigger fuss of my visitors than of me, I feel really honoured that he accepts my guests willingly. He would gladly go home with any of them! It doesn't mean he doesn't love me, he's just sociable and cheeky.

    I really hope you manage to overcome the situation so that everyone is happy.

  16. No!!!!!!! I wouldnt re-home my dog even though he always wants to be with my dad. I'm sure she loves you too! :) x

  17. No you shouldn't rehome the dog.  What you SHOULD do, is take it to obedience classes, agility classes, flyball classes, and anything you two can do together.  Dogs tend to respect leadership and consistency, so since your mom is the "house boss", chances are that's why your dog is wanting to be around your mom.  

    You can't make the dog love you... but if you spend time with the dog and teach it things and do fun things together, she'll bond with you more than she has already.

    Also getting a different dog wouldn't do any good.. chances are that dog would do the exact same thing your current pet is doing.

  18. If you can be so petty and jealour because your dog seems to pay more attention to your mother - then you shouldn't have a dog at all..... you are obviously ignorant about animals and animal behaviour and so don't have a clue where to start.... because your mum is trying to help you - you get jealous!

    How you get your dog to love you and bond with you is to spend time with her and train her - you mum can watch and advise, but the main interraction and training must be through you - including playing with her and her treats when she does well ..... then your dog will get it in her head that you are her main food and pleasure giver.... pleasure means playing, cuddles, saying good things to her all the time, strokes and generally being together also means being consistent... you can't be happy with her one minute and sulky the next - she won't understand what's going on .... consistent behaviour from yourself towards her will reward you with you dog wanting to be with you and obeying your instructions .... I think you should start with sit, stay, come instructions (your mum can help) but you are the one the dog needs to concentrate on .... if your mum's cooking or whatever in the kitchen and she wants the dog to have a treat - then she must give the treat to you to give to your dog.... there are lots and lots that you can do and learn together, and the more you do the more the dog will bond with you ..... and above all you need PATIENCE dogs take time to learn to trust and learn what it is you want, that's why you must be positive and consistent (not bullying and smacking her)... then she will learn to respect you and bond with you.....

  19. Should I re-home her and start over with a new dog?

    No. Rehome the dog and don't get another one until you are mature & experienced enough to know that you won't always be rewarded for doing the right thing.

  20. I don't know how old you are or if you have brothers & sisters ?.....Dogs  respond to energy, maybe your Mum is more relaxed /chilled out around the dog, like not 'trying' so hard to have it love her.It is not a competition. My dog who I rehomed to a very good friend still comes to visit me. She has been very happy in her new home for 6 years, but when she comes to visit me, she has to be dragged away and wants to stay !!--- My friend and I laugh about it :o)

    Try reading cesar Milan, The dog whisperer , or watch him and learn from it..he is a cool guy.

    If you cannot just have the dog as a family dog and will only be happy if she is just focused on you, then yes, I would suggest you re-home her where she will not be part of a complicated relationship and can just be herself. Having a dog is about unconditional love as all friendships should be, you cannot go through life with a " I do this for you therefore you must love me more than you love anyone else" kind of mind set.

    please, and you maybe don't want to hear this or the re-homing point above...I wouldn't get another dog until you have worked on the issues causing you to need exclusive love and devotion from your pet.

    sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear, but I cant say "wow, what a mean and selfish dog for not wanting to spend 24/7 glued to your side"

    hope you and the dog work it out one way or another and both end up happy.

  21. My dog loves me, i think its because i am always calm with him, as he is old.

    I stroke him, and give him treats.

    I also play with his toys with him.

    And don't shout, because he hates that.

    I don't think you should re-home your dog.

    Tell your mom to back off a little, and give you a change to bond with it.

    Good luck :)

  22. Here's the question for you. Do you love your dog? Do you give it affection and play with it or just walk and feed it?

    Just like kids, dogs love grandmas. Sometimes even dogs want attention from the ones that don't give them much so don't stress and don't think that the pup doesn't love you  :)

    Don't get jealous of that and just play with the pup more. Take it to the park and play with it every weekend for a couple of hours. Spend time relaxing and petting it. Brush its hair and just even sing to it. Take it to training school, and just socialize with it. Also make sure that your mom is involved in training and doesn't spoil the pup when you're training the pup.

    She loves you and loves grandma too. Don't stress and take time with the little one :)

    Good luck.

  23. A dog is for life, if you are not prepared to commit to a dog then why did you have one. How can you make her love you? The answer is you  bond with her, spend time with her play train and socialise her, be around her as much as possible if you are not bonding with her she will not bond as well with you and you will know when you are bonding properly because you will love her and want her so much you will not be able to even think of getting rid of her and replacing her with another dog. You need to be responsible and bond with that dog.

  24. Lets hope no 1 ever feels the same about you ay. If she spends most of her time with your mom then she is obviously going to love her. You have to put the time in with them just feeding and walking is not enough. Maybe she can sense that you are a spoilt brat and would rather be with your mom.

  25. It's a living creature, not an item of clothing; you can't simply take it back to the shop because you no longer want it.

    Try feeding the dog from your hand; this will help to establish you as the pack leader. However, as others have mentioned - if your mum's about more than you, the dog will naturally gravitate towards her. So will the next one.

  26. dogs are like people in that you cannot make a dog like you more than someone else.  

    Accept it - if you rehome it for this reason you should not get another dog as there is no guarantee that another will like you more than your mum.

  27. You should have researched the breed before you brought it ;( However if you're struggling and you feel you can't provide that dog with its needs then yeah re-home it.

  28. You are unbelievable.  Just because the dog doesnt love you more than your mother you would consider re-homing it?

    You are a selfish, self centred little brat madam.  You need a reality check.  The dog is at home with your mother more than anyone and even so - the dog itself chooses who its pack leader is going to be.

    Quite frankly you sound far too immature for the responsibilities of owning an animal.

    Your comment please dont say horrible stuff belies the fact that sub conciously you know your actions to be absolutely wrong.

    Shame on you.

    The dog should be part of the family anyway.

    Either continue to love and cherish it, feed it and excercise it or leave it to just be with your mother.

    Dogs arent stupid either.

  29. Our toy poodle was like that for a while. We had adopted him, and for the longest time he would always want to sleep with her, and sit in her lap, and follow her everywhere.  It made me really mad sometimes.

    But now he is the same with everybody, though he likes me and my mom more than the rest.  My "tough" brothers aren't into the poodle world lol.  But I would just give it some time. Don't get too frustrated about it, and just keep doing what your're doing.  It should come around in a while.

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