
I know who raped me now what?

by  |  earlier

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as i have stated in my previous question i am currently pregnant with a baby due to rape. I'm 17 years old and the guy who did it is 22. He use to be a friend of mine who use to be in love with me but i started going out with his cousin which caused him to be furious which caused the rape. he's been calling me non stop begging me not to report him and that he is going to take care of me and the baby and that I'm never going to need anything. I know he would be able to do that giving he's a very wealthy man. BUt honestly idk if i want anything from him i mean he's making it 10 times harder for me to get my degree from Brown University ( which i started today). So what should i do should i report him? let him help me? please give me your advice.




  1. That's awful! I hope you're ok...

    Anyway, you have to report this guy! If you let him get away with it, he'll do it again. To you AND to others. But you have to be careful! If he's capable of raping one of his own friends, who knows what else he can do?

    Best, best, best of luck!

  2. Report him and after the baby is born do a paternity test, if he is the father you are going to have a wealthy baby and you won't have to deal with him. Talk to a lawyer would be my other answer, they can give you better advice.

  3. Report him and he'll still have to help you support the baby. No one should get away with rape.

  4. yes you need to report him or he will do it to someone else.  

  5. Report him.

  6. report him and show the cops the messages.

    it may seem like a bad idea, especially if hes threatened you.

    but there is a child involved, who is a product of rape.

    once the child is born do a paternity test and if he is the father, he'll have to pay child support.

  7. I would rather live in a dumpster than let that s***k ho take care of me and my child! For one, he raped you. Two, I do believe that is nasty that he is so much older than you. He's a child molester. I would not want him near my kids. You need to report him before he does it to somebody else. BTW, if him and his family have money, you can make him pay child support reguardless if you let him see the child or not. Hope I'm not being to blunt but rapists really make me sick.

  8. You probably aren't the first he has violated and won't be the last if he is not stopped. Could you honestly live with your self taking the money? I couldn't.

  9. I would report him however if its really not what you want to do then make a list of things that he could do to prove to you that he will make do on his promises and one of them being that he not to call you and maybe for him to start a savings account for the baby that only you have access to and maybe some other things similar to this but he is not to call you except on times that you feel comfortable. and for you, I would get someone to talk to and help keep you sane while you go through his ordeal and keep your head up to complete your education.

    good luck to you

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