
I know why ghost hunters "go dark" but why hunt when it's dark?

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I have had quite a few unexplainable occurances in my life. And NOT all of my stories, nor the ones I've heard, shared, or witnessed, have occurred at night.

So why not just cut the electricity, but check out places during the day? Or does it just make for better ratings?

Or... do you think... the "power frequency" of our fears somehow attracts paranormal activity?




  1. It is that it is easier to be deceived in darkness, and believe that non existing things are happening.

    With the light on, reality takes over, and delusion disappear.

    There is no such thing like paranormal events.  If there is and you can prove it, James Randi has a one million dollar check for you.  Any taker?

  2. Because that is when ghosts are active.

    Most ghosts believe the bright light of day will huet them, and because they believe the light will hurt them it does.

  3. Assuming that ghost are real:

    1- If we can see ghosts, it's because they are somehow emiting light. However, as you know, this light is really faint, and hard to see in daylight.

    2- If we can hear ghosts, it's because they emit sound. However, the sound they produce is really faint, and you can catch it better at night, when everything else is quiet.

    3- I don't know about the ones in the show, but other Ghost Hunters probably have a day job to go to...

    Btw, the best ghost footage I have ever seen, was captured by cameras during daylight, however, people arround that place never saw the ghost of the ghost. For some reason we only see them with our own eyes when it's dark..

  4. It just bides very well with the human psyche. Humans are trained to naturally have a strong aversion to the dark. This is why we have the urge to sleep when it gets dark; we can do something productive with this time.

    I'm not sure whether I believe in the whole thing, but I have had some experiences, to tell you the truth.

  5. well, it all happens in the dark...

    i think that it exists but its easier to notice it in the pitch darkness

    like when at might my room is dark with all the lights off....i see this shadow thing but then i sorta move towards it and i walk right through it....nothing is there

    minds r easily decieved in darkness

  6. Man has always feared night time, lightening and thunder more than actual threats in the daytime.

    Our imagination instantly assumes the worst when it is dark.

  7. Ok just to clear this up a bit...the fear of the dark dates back to pre-historic man. A lot of predatory animals hunted in the dark, so man learned to live during daylight hours and to stay in a safe place in the dark. Now on to why 'ghost hunters' hunt in the dark. Simple...most of our equipment is designed to be used in the dark. It also makes for a quieter hunt. Ever heard of the witching hour? As an investigator of paranormal happenings, I find that I can hunt in both day and night situations. So there you have your answer.

  8. Because people think that in the dark more paranormal things happen. It's a bunch of c**p. That stuff is all in the imagination.  Don't get sucker'd into that junk!

  9. Some places you can investigate during the day and get just as much activity as you would in the dark. Other places just seem to come alive when it gets dark out. Some believe that 3am-4am is the best time to get activity (because of its religious ties), others think 12am-4am (because of the moon, solar xrays, temp, geometric fields). You also will hear that activity kicks up in the fall/winter of a year due to the static electricity in the air. No one is an expert, so I don't think anyone knows an exact perfect time for anything, you just have to get in there and do it and you'll find what works best for you. I don't think that being afraid attracts them any more than not because I've seen people scared to death and nothing happen to them while others who were just indifferent got touched or tapped. Again, you just have to find what works best for you.

  10. First, hunt at night because ghostly activity is higher between midnight and 3 am. Next, reduce spurious light, heat and electro-magnetic signals by "going dark."

  11. To scare the living shite out of themselves bleedin mentalists!

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