
I know you say good bye in french...?

by  |  earlier

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Au revoir.

but how do you pronounce it?

i cant remember and i am studying for a french test.




  1. oh reh voih

  2. (Awvwaah)

  3. au revoir. Or there is also another term 'Salut' which is pronounced salue. And then is also another term 'au bien tot' which is like see you soon or see you in a while. Im from quebec which is a french province in Canada. But now I live in ontario. and migeul isnt even close to being right right say au like you say the letter 'o' then say 're' like 'ray' then 'voir' with a v sound then say war au-re-voir. It tricky if your not french and its pretty hard to explain but i hope it helps!

  4. -Salue (if you know that person well or is the same age or younger than you)

    -A bien tot (see you soon)

    -au revoir (more or less the same):   Ar rewuar

  5. oHvuah

    the H is pronounced like in hi, hello, h**l...

  6. o hruh vwarh

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