
I lack confidence in my writing, what can I do?

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Well I am 15, soon to be 16 and I have lost the will to write. I still have interest in writing, but It's like I don't even try anymore. I try writing something, I read it, loose confidence over it, and just throw it away. How can I stop doing this, I keep thinking my writing is nothing but c**p and isn't worth reading. I want to write something that is different from the mainstream writing you see on the bookshelves everyday. I guess I'm concentrating too much on making it perfect. I need advice, how can I gain that spark again, that spark that makes me want to keep writing no matter how bad I think it is? How can I gain confidence in my writing.




  1. let people read your work. and if some people don't like it dont get discouraged. try posting you writing on the web too! goodluck!

  2. Honestly, I would just say keep reading... the more you read, the more you will have a sense of what sounds good, what flows (even if you don't want to be "mainstream"). You will develop a good ear for good writing and will (hopefully) have more confidence in your own writing.

    Aside from this, look into writing courses -- either at your high school or in your community. You can probably audit courses at local colleges as well (or sometimes they may offer summer programs).

    I hope this helps.  

  3. I went through that too! I got it mostly from fictionpress. Some people there have 200,000 words stories and.... blech. It just ruined my self-esteem toward writing. I took a small break from writing, watched some movies (now I'm a movie buff!) and read a lot of classics. Now whenever I want to get pumped up, I just read some stories off of fictionpress and think how I can write it a lot better.

    I recommend you watch Inside I'm Dancing, read Catch-22, and just take your mind off writing for a bit. If you like action, watch The One.

    Oh, the only downside I got from this is that in inner editor won't shut up. My evil nemesis....

  4. write using your own personality. write from the heart as if no one else was going to read it.

    let your mind wander into creativity and don't be afraid to say the things you want to say.

    it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your writing. it's your syle, your thoughts, and your life. tell yourself over and over that you are confident and soon you will be and have no trouble at all in your writing.

    good luck! i hope i helped in some way :)  

  5. You managed to write the above just fine..........

    Read lots of creative books for ideas, books don't need long words just to be good, they need to be different, interesting, not have words only 2% of the population can actually understand.

  6. Keep writing basically.

    And if you're looking on getting helpful advice post some here for other to read and critique you.

  7. If you feel it's worth writing, someone will find it's worth reading.  

    Don't concentrate on writing a bestseller.  Just enjoy writing and you will probably end up with a bestseller.  

    But write what you are happy writing or what you would be happy reading, not what you think other people want to read, because chances are whatever you like to write, you will write best and be confident about it and others who like the same thing as you will love it!

  8. maybe it's yourself you have to have more confidence in, either that or maybe an editor. i don't know, stop putting so much pressure on yourself, when you relax it will come. till then, let it go.

  9. make sure what your writing about is catching your eye and just believe in yourself one day you make it big because of what YOU write.

  10. I share an interest in writing too and lately I have been lacking confidence too. I write something but don't feel absorbed like I usually did. I think you just need inspiration. Lately I have started writing again. A good song puts me in the mood. Just write and see where it takes you. Just remember not to give up! :)

  11. just write and use a fake name.

  12. Usually, when people have this problem, they're too focused on what their friends/writing group are saying, but it sounds as if this is self-imposed.

    In that case, try finding a writing network/group. Many times, they will be less critical of a piece than you are yourself, which is a real ego booster and (since most writers are readers) they will also know about what most books "sound" like and (if prompted) tell you if your writing mimics them.

  13. Write whatever you want... Whats the worst that can happen? Oooh someone made fun of you big deal that doesn't make you less of a person.. Just be free and comfortable I'm sure you are a h**l of a writer anyway

  14. Read Hunter S. Thompson or Henry Miller for a unique style- cause that's what you need- your own, particular style. These two always appealed to me because at first they seemed not to have too much to say and then all h**l broke loose, somehow. That's style. Substance goes with it but now you realize how far style can get you and if your good you can milk it, involve people in your own, very personal world that we all, somehow share. There's just too many possibilities to ignore. Never read so much that you cease to experiment- they are called teachers.

  15. this is exactly what i went thru. but when you find some inspiration.. then stick to it. write it down and eventually give it some time to build it up and let more ideas flow. you dont need to immediatly jump into a book or start writing dialouge. just scrap and piece it together. you arent in a hurry, so dont rush anything. even if all you start off with is a synopsis, then write it down. usually at random parts of the day i end up making up characters and scenes in my head. mostly conversations. and when i like it enough to write it down.. i do.

    later on when i've filled all the pieces up and i FEEL that i am ready to start piecing together a novel then thats what i do. :D

    like i said, dont rush things. your brain cant be commanded to do things. just take time to appreciate, even if it means changing it a million times until you feel satisfied. just write what you feel like writing. dont worry about how other people look at it. it takes me a month to piece together what i feel is a perfect five pages sometimes. and sometimes it takes me five minutes. it all depends on your inspiration and what YOU feel is right. follow your mind, follow your heart. good luck! :D

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