
I last donated blood in April...

by  |  earlier

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Can I donate blood today? I've already signed up to donate today, but I don't want to be turned away because I donated blood only four months ago.




  1. well that is great go ahead and do it!!

  2. Oh no, they won't turn you down. Your body's refilled that blood supply since then.

  3. It all depends. If you engaged in activities since April that would help you to be healthy then you should be able to donate today. If you engaged in activities that the doctors may find you to be unfit such as going on a drastic diet, or if you were sick from April till now then they may determine that it is not suitable for you to donate. It all depends what your body has been through from April till now.

  4. You can donate every 57 days as long as you havent gotten a tattoo since the last time u donated, then its a year

  5. 56 days. That's how long you must wait. You're good.

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