
I laugh for no reason...chemical in-balance maybe?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes if I'm talking or doing something I start laughing for no reason. Even if I don't think something is funny. It's like the opposite of depression because some people who have depression get upset for no reason because of the chemicals in their body. What do you think it could be?




  1. are you sure its just spontaneous laughter? Sometimes i find that i will have a completely inappropriate reaction to devastating news by laughing hysterically. other than that, im sorry but i dont know what could be wrong with you

  2. could it be that you're sad inside (not really sad bu sumthin like that) so u just pretend and act like sumthin is funny? or if there's no reason at all then there really is sumthin wrong..

  3. hope its not a chemical imbalance, i got the same thing, lol

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