
I left a burner on my stove lit on high for around 6 hours. Can this cause a gas leak in a gas oven?

by  |  earlier

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It kind of smells in the kitchen and surrounding rooms, even up to the attic, where i sleep. Im worried that I might be selling gas, but i've never smelled it before and can't be sure.

It could also be the burning smell of the teakettle which was on the burner... I just want to know i'm safe. What if im breathing in carbon monoxide as I type this?




  1. It will more than likely just cause A leak in your wallet when you pay the gas bill

  2. You should just get a carbon monoxide detector. Really, there shouldn't be any poisoning because the burner was on the whole time. As for gas leaking throughout the house, that is also rather unlikely because the burner burnt it up. Gas has a really noxious odor.

  3. I doubt you have a gas leak as a result of leaving the burner on. Gas has a very strong and destinctive smell. You could get an engineer to call just to check if you are very worried. Also, you can buy carbon monoxide alarms at all good DIY outlets.

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