
I left college to come home early ?

by  |  earlier

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because I wasn't having a good time....maybe social anxiety i dunno. What excuse could I tell my friends because I'm too embarresed to tell them the truth.




  1. If they are Friends you tell them the truth. If you can't tell them the truth then are they Friends????? There is no reason to be embarrassed about coming home. Most people don't like change. Start out at a college close to home maybe a Jr.College, when you're ready you'll leave, or maybe you'll be content staying where you are and just go to local schools. I think it's good to be close to your family and not want to leave. Good Luck

  2. bed bugs..

  3. Dear,

    What do you mean by not having a good time? Your only concern right now should be your college education, that is if you plan to hop on a serious career path !? I consider anxiety to be an issue that people imagine and in most cases it is controllable, especially if you're a grown adult. Remember, always do what you think it's best for your life. Good luck!

  4. im sorry you are going through a rough time, last year in college I wanted to drop out because I had such bad OCD and anxiety but I started goign to counselling and got meds and it got better.

    Maybe, if you get help for it, you will be able to go back and be successful!

    Take this time off to make yourself feel better- go to the doctor, get counselling, think of it as if you had some kind of physical illness- if you broke both your legs or something you need time to heal, get better, etc, get help!

    Now I will answer your question....

    1) tell them that you wanted to save up money so you can go to a different college

    2) tell them you hated it, everyone was horrible so are going to a different one next year

    3) tell them the college messed up and put you in the wrong major or something and it was too late to change it so you had to drop out until later and reregister

    4) tell them there was a family emergency at home and your parents wanted you to stay home and help

    5) tell them when you got to dorm, they said they lost your cheque and you didnt have a room so you couldn't live there

    6) tell them your roommates were so disgusting drug addicts that you couldn't stay there a minute longer, and the stupid unversity wouldn't let you switch rooms

    Hope one of these helps! I understand.

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