
I left my Nikon D80 on.....?

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I left accidently my Nikon D80 on for more than a week or two! I noticed it now! Should I worry?? I feel really stupid!! Please no mean comments. Thanks for the help!




  1. What would you be worried about? In general the only risk would be completely draining the battery, though even that shouldn't have happened unless it was already at a low level. It's not healthy to fully drain Lithium ion batteries, but the remedy is simply replacing it if it doesn't want to hold a decent charge any more.

  2. You have nothing to worry about. Leaving it on may drain the battery (though most likely not). So basically just recharge the battery, and take photos - nothing would have changed.

    And you won't need to worry about it not holding a decent charge. Nikon's batteries don't suffer from any memory effect as many other ion lithium batteries do, so you haven't even harmed the battery. Definately nothing to worry about!

  3. Wouldn't the D80 go into a sleep mode if you don't use it for a certain period of time in order to conserve battery power? This would make a completely drained battery an even rarer possibility.

    All you really need to do is to charge the battery back up. No harm done.

  4. In fact many professional (in particular journalistic) photographers leave the camera switched on all the time. The camera is carefully set so that in a split second they can grab the camera and get the shot. A fraction of a second can make the difference between a great shot and rubbish.

    I own a D80 and have left it switched on for a couple of weeks. When I came back the battery wasn't even flat. The camera draws very little power when it is not busy, barely any more than a digital watch and certainly less than your cell phone. There is no heat generated, no wear and tear and no downside to this. Like a watch the lifespan of the LCD display on the top of the camera is indefinite. ( I am guessing this is what you noticed when you found it switched on)

    The camera battery does not work hard until the shutter is used or the focus motor is used or the review screen is used. If none of that is happening, there is no work to do and very little power used.

    No harm done! You have a great camera which should serve you well for years!

    Regards, teef_au

  5. Just charge the battery.

  6. Dont worry, you juse need to replace a new battery.

    battery resources:

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