
I left my contacts in for a while. will the doctor be able to notice?

by Guest66808  |  earlier

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I left my contacts in for a couple weeks. I'm going to the eye doctor soon. Will they be able to notice?

and I know it was stupid. I don't need to be lectured I would just like to know if the doctor will be able to see that I did that.




  1. The doctor might not be able to tell right now per say..but if you keep up that bad habit, you yourself will be able to tell when you're older. Effects of wearing contacts 24-7 doesn't show up short term, but they will over a period of several years. You don't want for this to happen. That's why doctors will tell you not to sleep in them.

    But to truly answer your question, yes he can tell if there's been some sort of inflammation going on in the front of your eye from lack of oxygen. Regardless if they can or not. Remember to take them out every night and clean them.

  2. Short answer: probably.

    There will almost certainly be some micro-scratching on the surface of the cornea (the clear part of the eye), the eyeball itself will probably be inflamed, the inner eyelid will probably show some signs, and the tear fluid mixture may be different than normal.

    If you're lucky, there won't be any permanent damage, and the doctor will simply see that you left them in longer than you should have. If you're unlucky, you may have done something more serious and long-lasting, that will take longer to recover.

    But why are you concerned about whether they'll be able to tell? Are you hoping to "get away with it"? Not a good idea, because then you'll be tempted to do it again, and by your own admission it was a stupid and dangerous thing to do. I know it's not what you want to hear, but you'd actually better hope that they WILL be able to tell, so they'll be able to look for and treat any damage that may have been done....

  3. Only if you got an infection.  If you didn't then he won't be able to tell.

    The reason for removing your contacts is to clean them and prevent infections.  they're not fun.

  4. DB,

    I'm not going to lecture you but this really is a serious problem

    many different things can or will develop.Your doctor will be

    able to tell if fungus,or scratches on the cornea developed from the long period of use.There are some types of contacts that can be worn for extended periods of time, they are specially formulated for long use. If that is something you are interested in bring it to your doctors attention.Please do this before you damage your eyes permanently,you only have one set.

  5. Well if you take them out before you go and clean them and then stick them in it will not really matter

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