
I left my contacts in for several days. I started getting dark under-eye circles. Even though I now take my?

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contacts out almost every night, I still notice the dark circles. Are they from my contacts? I am in my late 20's, and no one else in my family has them. Does anyone know what I can do to get rid of them?




  1. Leaving contacts even though they are soft in your eyes will harm the cornea in the long run. Cornea is the only organ which takes oxygen directly from the atmosphere. By wearing the lens continously, the oxygen supply to the cornea gets reduced significantly and may lead to cornea infection or degeneration.

    Dark circles can be reduced by having a good sleep and nutritious diet. Applying fresh cucumber slices over the eyes helps a lot. Or you can buy the fresh cucumber gel and apply them before going to sleep.

  2. You're probably just restless. Those can show up when you are.

    I wear contacts too and that has never happened to me.

  3. I'm in my early 20's and I've been wearing the same contacts for over a year, I never take them out, not even when I sleep (I don't suggest anyone to do this, I know it's a bad habit) unless one tears, or it becomes blurry. I also wear soft lenses and I've never had a problem so far. So I doubt that this could be what it's from. However, I could be wrong, and if it really bothers you, check with your eye doctor.

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