
I left my digital camera out in the rain. How i can I fix the water damage?

by  |  earlier

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When I found in the rain i went inside and tried to turn it on then I took out the batteries and mem card and put everything in front of a fan about 45min later i tried to turn it on again and it turned on but i only would show one picture then it froze so i took out everything again I went online to try to find away to help it and someone said to put it with a bowl of dried rice cuz it would took all the water out I left it there over night and its still in there right now but iit wont turn on anymore its my mom's camera and she is pissed so I either have to buy her a new one or try to fix this one and Im trying but it still wont turn on what else should i try to fix it before I throw it away?




  1. I don't know if this will solve your problem or not, especially since there is a definate difference between cell phones and cameras, but there is the method that you put the cell phone, or camera in this case into a zip lock bag. Make sure it is air-tight and you fill the bag with uncooked white rice. The rice's purpose is to absorb the moisture from the camera, literally taking all moisture out. I know it has worked for cell phones, but since there are a lot more components in a camera, I'm not sure of the quality of its use. Hope it works!

  2. you can't fix a water-damaged camera your self, alot of the components in the camera are now ruined because they weren't meant to be wet. You can't " fix " the components, the only thing that you can do is send it off to where it came from, no for free of course, it's not the manufacturer's fault that you left the camera in the rain. ( not being cold-hearted ). Any manufacturer should have some service facilities, if they don't, i wouldn't buy from them again. It shouldn't cost you more than what the camera was originally, but they may just say you need to get a new one.

    Oh, and it doens't matter that you had it in the fan for 45 minutes, the damage is already done, it's like getting AIDS,

    once you have it, you can't get rid of it, you need to get medicine, or servicing in your case. I'm sorry you couldn't fix your camera, don't worry though, it shouldn't cost tha much to fix.


    Nathan Grammatico.

  3. Call the geek squad????

  4. First, When any electronic device gets wet, DO NOT TURN IT ON.

    Take out the batteries, shake out any water you can, do the rice thing, let it dry out a few days with some moderate heat.

    Use a hair dryer on low heat and blow the air where it can get into the device.

    Install good batteries and try it. If you are lucky the device may work.

    In your case though, you may have done harm as you turned the camera on while it was wet.

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