
I left my iPod in my pocket when I swam in the pool?

by Guest67095  |  earlier

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What do I do. I tried turning it on after drying it, but that might have broken it. I think the inside is still a litte wet. I've been leting it sit out for about 3 days now. I blowed it with a hair dryer. My mom said to leave it sit out, but it's very incnvenian to not have my iPod. The iPod is 3rd gen. Nano. If it's broken I'll just get an iPod Touch. Even though I have only $25 and my birthday was last month and Christmas isn't close.




  1. your very irresponsible. no one in this worll would think of swimming with their ipod. you just ave to wait until you have enough money. sorry but since u were out of your mind, that's what u need to do

  2. Let the service center repair it. They will open and dry it completely by hot air. Charges aren't much.

  3. if you had waited to turn it on until after it had fully dried out, you might have had a chance,

    but sadly, i think your gonna have to wait til christmas. :(

    sorry about your ipod. i'd die if that happened to mine.

  4. i dont think theres any thing you can do. since it got wet its most likley broken. just be patient for your new one. hope i helped alittle.

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