
I left school in july lastyear and i found out my iq is 56?

by  |  earlier

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and we had to take a test in yr7 and i was put in a special class dont know why and it wasant a retart class anyway we got testted i kicked out in july and the program im with had to get something from a old teacher and he said my is is 56 what is he talking about i can read write spell and i can a use computer im not some retarted so i dont know why my iq is 56 when i can do all of that but i think we took a test called elle test and i dont know soo if i take a iq test now it will probably say less because we got a special test




  1. IQ tests are meaningless when it comes to how well you live your life.  My 24 year old son has tested consistently with an IQ of 43. He shouldn't be able to do half of what he does. But because the skills tested for on an IQ test he does not have his IQ is low. He cannot read. He cannot do math. He cannot think abstractly well.  But he can cook for himself, clean his house, get up in the morning by himself and get to school, has his own business, make a picture list for grocery shopping - basically live a good life taking care of himself. An IQ test with a result of 43 says he shouldn't be able to do any of those things based on what he can't do. The two do not necessarily relate.

    So I can easily imagine you might have an IQ tested at 56. Does it matter? No.

    What matters is if you can do the things you need to do to have the life you want.

  2. I bet your IQ wasn't 56, because if it was, you wouldn't be here.  True, you are the not Mr. Punctuation, but that's still way better than what a person of a 56 IQ might do.  That would place you within the Moderately Retarded range.  The teacher might have been saying that to be mean.  If you are over 18, you can request your educational records, and find out for yourself.

    For the record, IQ tests don't measure your ability to read, spell, write, or use the computer, they measure your ability to understand new information (both with words and with visual information).  The bad side is that we also sometimes measure motiviation, family and medical problems (meaning there are lots of reasons why one may not perform well on an IQ test that have nothing to do with innate intelligence).  A good psych will make note of those things.  I remember testing a kid and realizing about 1/2 through that she had terrible lice, and probably hadn't slept  well for several days.  I had reasons to doubt my results, and said so in my report.

  3. I don't think anyone should be told what their I.Q. is.  

    Is there a teacher or other person you trust who can help you figure out what your strengths are?  

    Find out what you're good at and what you like to do, and focus on those things.  That's the best way to be happy and successful.

    Good luck.  :)

  4. First of all, getting an IQ below 70 is kind of difficult and it doesn't sound like you have that low of an IQ, because you can spell and use correct English grammar.

    Second, he was your teacher and he tested you?? I always thought you had to be a psychologist or medical professional to give an IQ test. (To give yourself an IQ test a book or computer program isn't correct).

    If you really want to know your IQ ask your doctor how to go about it.

  5. IQ, schm-IQ...norms are bs.  don't worry too much about it.  get into another school and forget about what that test said.

  6. your iq has nothing to do with how smart you actually are. it has to do with how well you take test and how good your reasoning is. really your iq means nothing. many people can be totally normal and have low iqs. and many of the ginuesses of the world have amazing iqs but suffer from many disabilities

  7. According to information I have that is appended to test results from the International High IQ Society ( ), this is the description of the IQ range that includes 56...

    "IQ 44 - 60

    Limited support becomes essential and with extended special education a maximum of Grade four could be attained by age 18. Their social and communication skills are fair but there is little self-awareness. They can function vocationally in a sheltered workshop. They need supervision in their living arrangements and cannot live independently. Their thinking does not involve much in the way of logic. Their ethical thinking is pre-moral, i.e. involves conditioning, but there is the beginning of a quid pro quo sort of morality."

    Now, judging from your question and the phrasing of it, as well as the fact that you mention having at least reached your seventh year of schooling, my answer is...


    I would say your IQ is definitely higher than 56. If it was 56 you probably wouldn't even be able to ask this question in the first place without somebody doing nearly everything for you. Your old teacher is DEAD WRONG.

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