
I left the chicken to defrost and the cat?

by  |  earlier

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grab it and ran....I could only chase him for two blocks I have a injured ankle...

how should i punish him when he gets home?




  1. Is it possible to punish a cat?  He'll just think you're mean because cats can do no wrong in their mind!

    Lu it's the smart ones you have to watch out for. (Cats I mean!)

    UH OH is that quake wearing off yet?

  2. I wouldn't punish him, because he won't know what you're punishing him for.  Kind of pointless, right?

  3. id plan to fix him with a 22 mag

  4. you cant cats have very short memories and attention spans..dont leave food out..I got a cat blaster high powered squirt bottle and I love shooting him when he does something wrong!

  5. punishing him after the fact will not do much good. you need to address the behavior. a squirt gun or shaker can will do the trick. A shaker can is a can with about ten pennies in it. it makes tons of noise shake it when kitty is misbehaving.

  6. Eat your cat instead, he might taste of chicken since he just ate a whole one.

  7. um no petting for a while

    oh give him a bath they hate water haha

  8. Mix some ExLax in with the cat nip.  He'll be soooo bummed!

  9. you don't punish an animal, especially when it was your fault!

  10. you defrost the cat and left the chicken to run two blocks,

    what is going on there?

  11. Well at least that one didn't fly away!!!

    <[---- Keeps pets and children away from LuLu!!!

  12. My cat eats chicken for one of her meals every day.  i started boiling it for her when all the pet food was tainted, she loves it, do it with turkey too. it doesnt make her breath stink like tuna

  13. You don't.  It's punishment enough that he's being allowed to run free outside with a raw chicken and he could be coming home with salmonella.

  14. give him a tickle and show him how much you love your pet  by that she'll think how kind you are....

  15. put hot sauce on the next one and let him take it :)

  16. You don't. If you can't catch him while he's in the act of eating the chicken then you can't punish him at all; by the time he returns he'll have absolutely no clue why you're punishing him, he won't understand that it's because of something he did, he'll just think you're being mean and that you don't like him and anything you do to him will be nothing more than cruelty. The fact that he was able to take the chicken in the first place is YOUR fault for leaving the chicken out where he could reach it and doing nothing to prevent him from having the chance to take it; you could have put a bowl over it, or shut him in another room. Just pay more attention next time you leave food out, take precautions to keep it out of his reach, and if he does tries to snatch something in the future, yell "NO!" once and spray him with water. Or even splash water on him if you're holding a glass of it. You don't want to punish him too severely for it; even though it is potentially a second meal he could have taken, in *his* mind, he didn't get punished for it the first time, so there's no reason not to try again. Most cats would try every time, even when they know they will get in trouble for it; that's just how cats think, that same opportunism is what keeps them alive in the wild, and even though your cat gets to eat cat food out of a bowl, he still retains all the instincts of his wild kin.

  17. It will probably choke on a chicken bone, so you won't have to.

    If it survives then make him watch "Best In Show" with you.

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