
I let my 9 yr. old daughter watch Family Guy. Am I wrong for that?

by Guest33331  |  earlier

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She's really smart and we discuss the episodes after they go off. I try to keep it in perspective, the symbolism, the humor, which parts I approve of and which parts I don't.

My sister says she's over-exposed too early.

My other sister says it's o.k. as long as I watch it with her and talk about it.

Who's Right??

P.S. I'm more than willing to make her stop watching it if I find that I'm doing something wrong.




  1. depending on your tolerance, letting your daughter watch family guy was probably a very good move. It is good to move from youth cartoons to more adult cartoons when you are with your son or daughter. If your daughter was off watching family guy at a friend's house, it would be different, but by you the parent watching it with her, I think it is quite all right she watched the show. And tell your sister to relax a bit, it is not like you're watching Team America or Wild Things with her

  2. im twelve and i aint allowed 2 watch it so she's a bit over exposed. but its good u talk her through it

  3. No, if you think she's mature enough to watch it, that's your decision, not your sisters. Plenty of 9 year olds have the mental maturity to watch shows like Family Guy.

  4. no ! its fine even if the jokes dont fly over her head i think even young children need to know and 9 is quite old actually

    besides family guy isnt that bad is it

    its good that shes allowed to watch these things instead of being overprotected like some kids are

  5. She could be watching worse. Family guys innappropriate but so is most of Nickoldeans shows and some of Disneys. Use your own descrection with your child, your the one who knows her, and if you think she can handle it, then there you go.

  6. The good thing is that you are watching it with her and discussing it with her. The bad part is that she is too young to watch it. But the other kids her age are probably watching it too. So its better she watch it with you and discuss what is happening than not watching it at all.  

  7. there is nothing wrong she is lucky  

  8. Your daughter probably won't even remember that garbage.

  9. no most of the jokes hidden in family guy will fly over your 9 yr old daughters head. she will just enjoy watching it because its a cartoon and funny to watch at any age.

  10. i think it's alright.

    but i think that little kid's dont understand the humor of the show. i think they're too young to understand it.

    i dont see the problem with letting them watch it.


    but i agree with you. at least you explain to her what's going on... :)

  11. it's fine to watch family guy it's only a tv show fot pete sake.

    why do people do this?

    ok if there's disturbing content in it a child shouldn't watch it but do u honestly think something that's aired on tv will harm a child.

    people have got to stop be so over pretective about these sort of things and just let their children live.

  12. There is no problem with that. If you discuss the episodes with her, and she understands whats going on then it's fine. Children should be somewhat exposed to what is out in the world by their parents. Because if they're not, they find out from their friends, who aren't as wise as their parents and they get false information.

    No offense to your sister, but your daughter is your child, and if you decide to let her watch Family Guy, it's your choice.

    Hope this helped and good luck!

  13. I don't think parents need to shelter their kids from things they're eventually going to learn about anyway. I personally think Family Guy is a really smart and funny show. It's good that you talk to her about it. Sheltering kids just makes them less smart,  less independent, and less mature. I'm not a parent, but my parents let me watch pretty much whatever I wanted and there were no negative affects.  

  14. She is absolutely too young to be exposed to raunchy humor. Wait til shes older, thats a minimum pg13 type of show. Even if you can explain it to her, its not appropriate. Shelter her as long as you can because they grow up too fast. Besides, she shouldnt be watching a lot of tv anyway. Its bad for her developing brain. Especially family guy.  

  15. my 6 year old nephew watches it sometimes they can get a little carried away but you have to explain to them its nothing but entertainment  

  16. Yes, family guy sucks, make her watch FUTURAMA!

  17. trust me, don't let her watch that, it's a bit to extreme for a 9 year old, but if you discuss things in that way it's good that you have educational and understanding views on family guy rather than just laughing at athe rude jokes

  18. She should not be watching that! she is still at the age where her mind is very impressionable. Family Guy is a very unintelligent show whose morals are in all the wrong places, there is no way a nine-year-old would benefit from this, and there are certainly many ways she could suffer from it. innocence is not meant to be shattered at such a tender age.

  19. My 9 year old brother watches it with me and my other brother all the time

    Any nine year old is going to like a cartoon!

    He doesn't even understand half of the jokes that are said anyways.

    So I personally don't see anything wrong with it.

    As long as you feel like it is okay, then you shouldn't really worry about what other people's opinions are.

    Also, I think it's good that you discuss it with her afterwards




  21. I have not actually watched it, just seen trailers for it, my kids are teens now , but if they were younger, I would not let them watch it,

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