
I let my domestic rabbit into the wild.What will happen to him?

by  |  earlier

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can he survive in the wild ?




  1. Ya'll are all idiots. "cept the guy who asked the question. And the guy who defended him.

  2.  Microsoft campus in Redmond is great example of their adaptability. They called exterminators and hunter to get rid of them. No such luck. Parking lots are still infested with them. I tried to catch one but was not able to. Fuckers are really fast. They used to be bunnies but now they are just mean and lean rrrabbits. Australia is another good example. They wish rabbits would not survive there.

  3. To guest 8769, it is people like you that make me ashamed to be human. You f*cking jerk. Life is life, whether in a human or an animal. It is not JUST a rabbit, it is a living thing. The rabbit will not survive in the wild. It has been domesticated and hasn't learned how to use it's instincts properly. You need to learn how to respect all life on this planet and not disregard it because it is smaller and doesn't have a voice to defend itself or tell a jerk like you to f*ck off!!!!!!!!!!! I feel sorry for your rabbit.

  4. u tw at

  5. animals are animals whether domestic or not, animals have instincts and they will survive anywhere because of such instincts, for example, lets say a domestic cub lion will have its animal instincts and it will survive regardless. like any other animal  survival is vital for all creatures even the most wildest animals can die in the wild.

  6. Every bleeding heart that balled thier eyes out on this question needs to dry em up !!  The guy got sick of his stupid rabbit driving him crazy, and let the Goddamned thing go live it's meaningless life in the wild !! Seriously. It's a rabbit. A RABBIT !!!!! You people who commented saying things like you hope this guy starves to death himself ? What the h**l is wrong with you ? There is no need to panic here. Ever see a house pet rabbit run into a strange dog? It's survival instinct kicks in and it bolts. Ever see a house pet rabbit in the back yard ? It eats grass, and finds shelter. It will be just fine. If it does get eaten by a fox, or a coyote well so be it. Why should the coyote or fox starve. Go back to eating your tofu and being a wimp. By the way I've got a pet rabbit, and I don't fault this guy one single bit for letting it go in the wild.

  7. Should not be done. My rabbit ha escaped b4 and has been out for  almot 2 wks b4 i captured him.They dont stray far form home if are nearby. All animals ahve homing instinct  so unless its clever and hides from foxes and eat grass then survival is limited

  8. You Idiot!!! A very retareded thing you did no it's dead what if you where left in the wild with no food and could be killed for that never ever get a PET!


  9. You are sick for doing that!!!You should NEVER EVER be allowed to have a pet again you horribly horrible nasty human.You are cruel and I can't believe you did that. I hope you starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. You should NEVER set "free" a domestic rabbit!  They do NOT have the same instincts as wild rabbits.  That was an extremely horrible, irresponsible thing to do.  You obviously have access to the internet.  Why didn't you research your question BEFORE you sentenced your rabbit to certain death?

  11. You should NEVER set "free" a domestic rabbit!  They do NOT have the same instincts as wild rabbits.  That was an extremely horrible, irresponsible thing to do.  You obviously have access to the internet.  Why didn't you research your question BEFORE you sentenced your rabbit to certain death?

  12. Here is fixed version of the prior URL

  13. The average length a domestic has for living in the wild is three days does this answer your question

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