
I let off gas/f**t in bed and sometimes on my gf's leg or close. I said sorry, and she sd thats ok, I like it?

by  |  earlier

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She sd its part of u and its nice u feel so close.

IS this normal thinking for her????




  1. No it's not normal thinking.  Most people don't like to be far... on.  

  2. I personally would laugh about it... not get upset because well me and my bf of four years have explored everything about eachothers bodies.. I know every section of him and thats a huge part of intimacy... just don't make a habit of it bud.. lol you two must be really comfortable around eachother and thats hard to find  

  3. Hey, whatever floats her boat.  

  4. Ummmmmm Gross! Not normal at all

  5. She's being reasonable.

    I mean, she's right. You can't help it.

    It's very good of her to think that way, and not judge you for your health.

    Anyone who doesn't isn't really "worth it".

  6. i have been married tomy husband for going on 7 months and well he has not farted on me intentionally but has accidentally on my leg as well i thought it was "cute" i told him and hes like " what? no i didnt" he felt emberrassed! but see he tells me that i f**t when im asleep and that is emberrasing to me!!!  

  7. ive been married 5 yrs and have two husband has seen me give birth and all the not so pretty stuff that comes with it...a little f**t from him wouldnt bother me lol

  8. lol this is too funny, maybe she was jocking so that you didn't get too shy. Do it again to see her reaction again. If it was me the second time I would tell you to move somewhere else.  

  9. LOL. Finally, a funny freaking question. Have her gas on you and see how it makes you feel. You might like it too.

  10. it is unattractive. you are embarrassing.

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