
I licked my fingers after being outside please help and read this question!?!?!?!?

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Hi i licked my fingers while walking my dog in the woods and i remembered that i had touched a stick earlier and i am sooo woried will i die or anything becasue there are foxes ojut int hte woods awhich are covered in diseases so what iof the fox had touched that stick i live in the countryside btw so will anything happen please help and no silly answers please






  1. You're over reacting. Even if any animal touched it, that wouldn't mean you're going to die or even get sick. Touching a fox is just like touching a dog. It won't get you suck unless you come in contact with it's body fluids AND if the animal has a disease.

  2. You'll be fine. First of all, there is a significant time period  between you touching the stick and l*****g your finger. Must bacteria and viruses are unable to survive in outside air (i.e. not in the body) for longer than a few minutes.

    Second, those bacteria and viruses that were still there are probably destroyed by the part of your immune system called the skin. Your skin is crawling with your own bacteria and viruses that are part of your immune system.

    Third, your mouth and throat are also a very strong and able part of your immune system. And they are followed by your stomach, which will kill almost anything.

    So, I think it is very unlikely that you will get sick in this way.

  3. You will be fine.  Just go wash your hands now.  If those fox had a terrible disease--they would be dieing out--be very few of them.  

  4. Trust me you are in more danger of contracting a disease from Burger King or McDonald's. You are worrying unnecessarily. If you begin to feel poorly then see a doctor but the chances of you dieing because you touched a stick then licked your fingers is pretty remote

  5. omg...... you should clean you finger first

  6. 1) you will not die

    2) "l*****g ur fingers after touching sticks which are supposed to be touched by some fox"... (please excuse me I cant stop laughing while I am trying to answer this one)------ Nothings gonna happen to you..

    A remote possibility is as goes: A fox which had rabies finds ur stick and bites it and contaminates it with its saliva. You eat the stick.. There is a very very very bleak chance that the virus remains alive and breach ur intestine to cause infection(breaching ur intestine is no easy task for the virus- you shud be having some ulcer or something for that)

    This possibility is so d**n rare and laugh provoking.... but still..

    Foxes can spread rabies by biting humans not touching and biting sticks..

    I feel you are from a developed nation, thats why such a question..

    Imagine millions of people in other parts of the world touching sticks and all **** and eating without washing hands?? If ur fears were true there wudnt be much humans left by now!!

    Cheer up man and be easy on life..

  7. you wont die. its not likely anyway. your body needs to be exposed to small amounts of bacteria in order for it to build up your immune system. thats how it works. thats why when you get immunised against a certain disease, they inject you with a very small amount of it so that your body can start to build its defences against it.

    dont worry about it. at very very worst you may have an upset stomach for 24 hours but even that is unlikely.

  8. you'll be fine

    the digestive track is used to much worse from our standard food supply

    (you may be a little obsessive compulsive)

  9. people dont die just because they touch a stick and l**k their fingers

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