
I lied on my resume and now they want to interview me?

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I put down some skills that I know nothing about - my interview is Tuesday....I said I have project manager experience..........tell me everything you know about EDD project manager at a prestigious law firm




  1. Never tell anybody what your doing on your left supposed to Your Right as long as it will do No harm to Others...( ! )  

  2. I can tell you everything I know about EDD project manager at a prestigious law firm.


    That's it.

    Go to the interview. It will be a learning experience.

    And try not to do the big lies on resumes. The bad news is, they can also fire you if they learn much later that you lied.

  3. People get special certification for Project Management and/or have years of on the job training.  It isn't something you can learn on Y!A.

    Cancel the interview.  Don't waste your time or their time.

    And, don't lie anymore to get a job.  You'll make a fool of yourself and damage your credibility.  You never know who you'll run into later in life.

  4. There are very few people who did not lie on their resume for their first real job.  Your situation is not unique.  I would go to Borders or Barnes and Noble and brush up on the subjects.  I would also hit a law bookstore and get something on employment law.  Even if you get fired for not knowing enough you will learn a little before you get fired.

    Now when you say EDD manager did you mean Employment Development Department?  For appeals of denials maybe?

    Take a chance, do some homework and show up to the interview with confidence.  You should never say no to a job before the prospective employer does.

  5. Just move on in the job search and don't ever talk with them or go back there.

  6. Not a good move. When they start asking you to describe exactly what your duties were, thank you for applying, have a nice day.

  7. i'm sorry but that's what you get for lying. you could just not go at all.

  8. Unfortunately, you should not lie on employment applications.  Once the prospective employer runs a background check even if you are hired for the position you will be terminated based of the fact the you provided false information on your application.

    Keep in mind, most states have the policy of employment at will.  Which means you can be terminated at any time for no reason.  However, you have provided them with the ultimate reason to terminate you if you were hired for the position.

    It is my personal opinion, that you should decline the interview.  Even if you admit during the interview that you lied on the application, you still will not be considered as a candidate for hire.

    I could give you a detailed description of what a project manager's responsibilities entail.  However, in the end you will be found to have lied on your application.  Honesty is the best policy.  Do not overate your experience or lie about your past employment history, you will not find employment using this method.

    Best wishes.

  9. They'll find you out.  You either won't be able to answer their questions and the interview is over.  Or, they'll find out after you've been hired and fire you.

    Best to come clean, and stop lying.

  10. It's a little late now to try to learn about a job you haven't done.  Sorry - you're toast.  Next time tell the truth.  

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