
I lied on my resume: can my employer find out?

by Guest57740  |  earlier

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I'm currently in college and I lied so I could get a job at a call center. On resume I said I am currently earning a 3.2 GPA when it's really a 2.1

They hired me and I'm just wondering if they can find out my current GPA without my permission? Would they even care if they found out?




  1. Due to FERPA requirements, your educational records are private unless you give your employer approval to access them.  Typically employers will ask for your permission to run credit, employment and education checks before hiring.  As to what they would do, well how would you feel if someone working for you lied about their education?  It could be grounds for dismissal.

  2. If they found out then they would care.  If they find that you're willing to lie about something as trivial as a GPA then they'll forever wonder what ELSE you might lie about.

    Will they find out?  If the GPA was a requirement for the job then the could contact the school to find out.  If it's not a requirement then they probably won't care enough to go to the trouble of inquiring.

  3. Yes, they can.  Employers   check college   grades and attendance very often.

      On your app, you probably said  something about being a college student.  Many people do, and many people do indicate they went to college when they really didn't.

    It is easy for an  employer to request a copy of your college transcript. And the colleges usually have someone whose job is to  furnish those copies.

    When you applied for the job, there  was probably a statement on the app , allowing them to verify any and all information contained on your application. And you probably signed it without reading it.

    Employers want a copy of the transcript with the college seal on it.--this verifies that it is authentic,

  4. no matter,

    you just trust you will do on your cv

  5. They can certainly find out if they want to but you will be left with the lingering question of "Will they do it?" and then, "Now what??"

    You put yourself at risk when you fudge your resume - most people do it to some degree but the bigger the "mistake" you make, the more likely you are to be found out. One way employers can be tipped off to your botched resume is when your workplace performance doesn't match up to the 1up-ed version of yourself on your resume.

    Supposing they found out, they will be less likely to give you the boot if you're performing at a high enough level that they don't care one way or another what you say. Other employers may frown on any fibbing, no matter what your current performance is (or should be!) and get rid of you, based soley on that infringement.

    Remember, be careful what you say in the future because you may have to swallow your words.... good luck with your job!

  6. they can find out but i dont think they would care.

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