
I lied to my mom wat do i do?

by  |  earlier

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  1. How about talking to a mom about it?

    your wanting help shows what character you have

    and maybe I can help you  with this.

    A mother needs to know she is loved and so tell her that  the worse thing about it all is that you feel that loving her as you do you feel you failed her in that area first.

    Secondly, that having to lie to her of all people has taken a tole on you more than you realized.

    that having her as a role model and falling short of it  hurts deeply.

    So telling her this and knowing you truly want to change will insure you good standing with her.

  2. well i kno how dat feels. dnt worry, it probably makes u feel all guilty. wat u need to kno is dat ur parents luv u nomatter wat. besides, that it depends wat u lied about. if its sumthing huge, tell them. itll make u feel MUCH bttr trust me. i mean, if its sumthing rlly small, umm den jus 4get bout it. but if it will make u feel bttr by tellin them u shood.

    lots od <3 good luck=)

  3. well first

    what did u lie about

  4. what did you lie about you need to be more specific. how can someone help you with only a little information  

  5. HELP! I don't get it. As long as it doesn't endanger anyone, and she cant find out about it, just don't tell her.

  6. Tell her the truth.

  7. You could sit her down and tell her that you lied to her and that you are very sorry and won't do it again. If you are truly sorry be sincere about it. You need to understand that she will be hurt and it might take a little while before she trusts you again but eventually she will. You will have to earn her trust back again. Tell her why you lied and what you lied about. She is your mother and she loves you. People make mistakes. Just don't do it again. Ask her to forgive you and make sure you hug her and tell her you love her. It will be ok.

  8. it reall doesnt matter what you lied about. the point is u did. there is no easy way to tell her but you need to tell her as soon as possible and get it out of the way. she'll get over it quicker

  9. dont worry if you do it all the time like i do..

    soon youll be able to lie and feel nothing at all..

  10. What did you lie about? You need to add a little more information on what happened to have people help you. Sorry!

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