
I like Matt Hughes, but I think his time in MMA has passed. What do you think?

by Guest60114  |  earlier

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He has done wonders for the publicity of the sport and vice versa, but I think age is catching up with him. He should start a team and bring in the new up and coming guys.




  1. I agree!  Despite the fact Thiago Alves is a good fighter, that was kind of embarrassing to watch as a Hughes fan.  Matt's had a good career, but enough's enough!  He's been in the business for a long time, (more than 10 years I believe), he's 34, he's done!

  2. I think its more a case of younger fighters becoming superior rather than him losing any ability.....I mean GSP of today would still defeat Matt Hughes of 4 years ago in my opinion.

    GSP is a new breed of fighter, and Thiago Alves is a unpredictable explosive striker, someone very difficult to prepare for.

    Dont count him out too soon, I think we shall see him get his fight with Matt Serra, kick his *** (which I hope he doesnt, but think he will) then retire.

    This sport is still evolving, not as much as it was 5-6 years ago, but there are more and more athletes starting their careers trainig MMA techniques as opposed to having a traditional "one diciplined" background and then making the switch to mma training.

    Matt Huges represents one of the best fighters to make a transistion, whilst the new breed of fighters are soley mma trained. He has got worse, the competition got better.

  3. I agree. In his day he was very impressive but hes getting to old now.

  4. I agree, but I think he still has a couple good fights left in him. He's a good ol' boy, that will work hard for it.

  5. Matt Hughes is over the hill...

  6. I think he is great also... I think he can shut Matt Serra up though... then he needs to take some little tyke and train the h**l out of him and make him a monster in the UFC!  Or whatever fighting organization they can get him in!  We will see him!

  7. I think he has a couple of fights left, but he's not a top contender anymore, he can be a gatekeeper.

  8. I would love to see Serra vs. Hughes, but if he decided to retire, i would be ok with that.  I don't think the fact that he's 34 for has a lot to do with it, i think it mostly has to with the fact that he's fought 50 fights by that age!

    You look at a guy like Couture who's 44, but he's only fought something like 23 fights.  That makes a huge difference i think.

    50 fights by age 34 must take an incredible toll on your body, and it shows for Hughes.  He's not nearly as quick and overpowering as he used to be even a couple of years ago.  If he had not been such an active fighter, he might still have a had a couple of years of high quality fights left, but at the same time, most fans probably wouldn't look at him the same way, if he was the type of guy to pass on fights, or only fight once or twice a year.

    Retiring and passing on his knowledge to younger fighters might be his best bet.

  9. Why the **** is everybody ignoring the fact the fight should never have happened? Alves didn't make weight by a huge amount. What would happen if you stuck GSP with Tim Sylvia? Yeah, I'm exaggerating to make my point but Alves was too big for Hughes.

  10. i cant wait to see serra submit hughes

  11. i hate to say it but i do think its time for him to retire i just want him to fight matt serra because i know he can win that one so he could leave on a winning note

  12. I definetely think so. The new breed Mix Martial Artists are too versatile nowadays. Maybe one more fight against Serra then retire win or lose.

  13. I agree, however it isn't his age that has caught up with him, but his style. Fighters are getting good at every dimension and aspect of this sport. He has never established himself as a threat standing, and everyone he faces knows he is going to shoot. His explosiveness is gone, so his shots aren't as quick and powerful, so they are easily stuffed. Hughes can't sand with fighters as well rounded as they now are.

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