
I like Palin, but what major initiative has she passed in Alaska?

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Can't find any. She supported an increase tax on oil companies that was presented each of the 6 legislature's before she was in office. But that's all that is mentioned. It seems that most of her time has been spent dismissing people. So here's the chance, what policy initiative has she gotten passed in Alaska?




  1. read how scary Palin really is. she is anti row vs wade, g*y marriage, stem cell research, the environment ( wants to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), abortion and she wishes everyone follow in her religious beliefs. she also has the least political experience of any candidate ever. so why would and Hillary or the undesided vote for McCain now?

  2. Don't know, don't care! You can't change my vote! McCain 08

    Nice Try!

  3. She stopped the building of the $400 million bridge to nowhere.

    Of course this was AFTER she supported federal funding of it.

    Until federal funding was withdrawn and it became a cause celebre of the conservatives cries against wasteful spending and she she had to cancel it because the State of Alaska couldn't fund it themselves.

  4. Not so.. She pioneered a $40 billion dollar natural gas pipeline that is currently under construction. She fought for and won a $1,000 rebate for Alaskan citizens from fuel taxes. She refused to accept the "bridge to nowhere" that was an earmark (pork barrel) project by their corrupt congressmen. She actively commands the Alaskan National Guard, and serves 24/7 as the Chief Executive Officer of the state. Let's see, Obama has been in the Senate for 340 days, has sponsored three bills. He was the 20-year parishioner of a hateful pastor, the friend and associate of a terrorist, helped honor one of the most racist people in the country (Farrakan), scored a very questionable finance arrangement with a convicted felon, ushered some attractive financing to his wife's university right before she was promoted, muscled his way into Illinois politics, admitted to youthful drug use, and has never really led anything or anyone.

    Let's see, who should I vote for...........?

  5. Ethics Reform

    Enviromental Legislation

    Why don't you look before you speak

  6. None

  7. She's made a lot more positive "Changes" than Obama in her short career. She acts while he just talks.

    She's also made a lot of executive decisions. Obama has made none. He couldn't even decide what bills to vote on while in the senate...just voted present 136 times.

  8. She got the Oil companies to build a pipeline they were waffling on, she forced them to drill in places they weren't doing any drilling, she cut property taxes 60%, forced out the State Attorney General and sold the state Jet on Ebay.

    Not bad in 2  years.

  9. Sure would like to know the answer to this myself!!

  10. she's cute, who cares, right?

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