
I like R&S best because I feel it's the funniest category, yet by its very nature,its also the most offensive?

by  |  earlier

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Where else can I go to laugh without feeling like a horrible person?




  1. Eh, you might as well stay. The table's already set.

  2. Yeah you're right this section if full of humor.  Maybe sometimes, it's even unintentional, but other people's stupidity and ignorance can really be very funny at times.  Just the same, finding some people offensive is your own personal perspective.  Don't let irritating people affect you, they're really not so worth it.  It could be their nature or maybe they're just having a bad hair day and they need to release bad feelings in this section.  I don't think you'll find a section as interesting as this!  

    What I find offending are people who pose to be of the same belief as I am but then attacks the same belief.  That could be offensive at first until I realize that he's just a troll, who has nothing better to do with his life!  

  3. It is not offensive at all when you take into account that everyone has their own opinions and that opinions are just thoughts and viewpoints formed over time through experience.  Take everyone's views with a grain of salt.  Especially mine.

  4. Your avatar looks like my bitchy X-girlfriend.

  5. Nooo, don't leave!

    You could try the Music or Celebrities section - they are both primarily Jonas Brother fangirls screaming about how cute they are.

    I like to say things like "omg lyk ya lyk joe iz s0 s**y!!!1!!1!1!!" and see who takes me seriously and agrees.

    Then the book section. Dunno if you know but there's this terribly written teenage vampire love story called Twilight, well all the little p*****n girls are obsessed with Edward, the book character and call themselves things like "Mrs Edward Cullen" and bull like that- it's entertaining to see how so far gone kids are.

    The Paranormal ("Alternative") section is just like the R&S section is! "Ghosts do exist and here's proof!" "No they don't, and here's proof!" "Well you're an idiot for thinking that!"


  6. Yes.

  7. The bus stop,in your car.

  8. "I like R&S best because I feel it's the funniest category, yet by its very nature,its also the most offensive?"

    You can not make a statement, end it with a ?mark and expect it to morph into a question.

    It is only offensive to some because people like me are irreverent towards that childish notion of invisible sky critters that are about as scary as bogeymen under the bed.


    No wuckers :)


  9. try...nothing. P&S is fun but not necessairly funny though. maybe jokes and riddles will have something but i think its mostly people with bad jokes trying to be funny

  10. Yep!  The place is a regular 3-ring circus

  11. In the bathroom.  

  12. Nowhere in the internet.

  13. We often use humor to soften the blow of harsh truth or opinion.  Don't feel bad about it.  Laughing is good for you, as it realeases pleasure chemicals in your brain and even burns calories.  And I don't think you'll find better humor in any other section.  There's a lot of good comedic material in religion.

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