
I like Someone Will I couldn't fit know words up will read it down there?

by  |  earlier

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I have a kid at school hes so cute i don't know if he likes me or not but he always smiles at me and says my name so does he like or not




  1. Tough question... Love this one... Not really  some times people are just polite and smile back at you but they are not really saying I like you... I will suggest you get to know him first see how he is and and then you can tell if he likes you or not, but because of just one smile girl he is just being polite... crack him down get to be his friend and then you can get a conclusion the long way some times is the safe way and you wont end with a broken heart....

  2. Maybe you should take up volleyball?

  3. He dose like you. I think bk. he smiles at you and say your name.

  4. well maybe id think yes i go to school to and there if someone does that the yeah they probably like you

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