
I like a girl but she got married in a month time i thhink she also likes me what can i do?

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I like a girl but she got married in a month time i thhink she also likes me what can i do?




  1. move on shes married now sory

  2. Nothing.  Get over her.  If she married someone else, she doesn't like you.

  3. Nothing she's married!

  4. If she liked you and you liked her you guys should have acted on it.  Now all you can do is move on and let her be.  Find yourself another person.  You might never forget your first love but you can make it into a distant sweet memory.

  5. forget her buddy, move on you will find someone else......  best of luck

  6. Move on, there are more out there.  Be happy for her, that's all that you can do now.

  7. forget it, dude. If you really love her and don't want to mess up her life, jus let go...

  8. move on 4get it

  9. well to be very sure about her ask her how she feels about you

  10. shes gettin married in a month's time dude..forget abt her..there are other women out ther..who are single...its easier said than done..but u dont have a choice...thats life!

  11. Give it up.  She ain't yours, and she ain't worth it.  Move on with your life and find someone better.

  12. Get another chick. I don't think she likes you in the way you like her. She's already married. There's a bunch of single girls. Get another one.

  13. Buy her a wedding present.

  14. the other way!! She apparently cannot make a comittment right now. You are only opening up yourself to heartache.

  15. wish her the best in her marriage and move on positively.

  16. move on she is now married which means she is no longer available to you.

  17. If what you're saying is she IS married then don't just walk but RUN AWAY.  You are interferring.

    If she is getting married don't just walk but RUN AWAY!  

    Either way you're coming in between two people who love eachother and that's wrong, period.

    And let's face it, if she leaves someone else for you...she'll leave you for someone else

  18. first of all, you said that you like the girk, that means that it's simply a crush, not love.

    And you THINK that she likes you.

    are you serious???

    move on.

  19. move on man move on!

  20. d**n that sucks ahh just do this go to her house and say i realy liked u but u got married now im pissed and just walk away then shell grab u and start kissing u and thenXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... but u can also move on theres alot of gorgeous girls out there

  21. This question I believe you can answer yourself. You can't expect her to leave the marriage, or enter in to an affair with you. Let this one go and remember to act appropriately the next time opportunity rears it ever elusive head. There will be others, send her a gift and move on.

  22. dude, go for it,,, tell her how you feel.. if she says no, then no loss, if she says yes.. make plans from there.. there is a 0% chance if you dont try and who knows if you do

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