
I like a girl form my college, how can I be sure she wants me, and how to ask her for a date? Answer pleaseeee

by  |  earlier

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She smiles when I see in her eyes, but nothing else!




  1. start up a conversation with her, start off saying hello, chat about college and the work she's doing, then ask if she fancies grabbing a coffee or whatever you drink, if she makes up a excuse then you know she's not interested, but if she agrees, go out with her, be yourself and get to know her better before you tell her how you feel.

  2. Well first off why dont you start by talking to her if she talks to you then she may like you if shes looking over your sholder or fidgiting then shes dying to get away and you should take it as a no. Once you've started talkin and shes comfortable ask her if she wants to go for a drink, if your too young to go drinking like that matters to you students these days then ask her if she wants to go to a pary at your house the following weekend, set up a party at your house the following weekend and hope it all goes fine for ya!!

  3. you need more information. flirt a little in a jokey way...see her reaction if its good go for it. if shes freaked out by it dont....yet. just gather information. ask her out with your mates see if she goes. flirt and if she responds go for it

  4. You aren't going to know anything for sure before you ask her. You just have to ask her and see what happens. The one thing you should do if you ask and she says she can't because she has something else planned that evening is ask her for another time. I hate it when you really have to say no for a good reason and then they never ask you out again because they think you were politely trying to get rid of them.

  5. She thinks you are the ugliest bloke on the planet and can't help smirking at you.

  6. Walk up to her, introduce yourself, compliment her, and ask her out.

    And it's ok to fumble around a bit, most chicks like that. hehe.

  7. just ask the worst she can say is no, then ask someone else soon some one will say yes

  8. Ask this question in Dating.

  9. Why don't you just come up to her and ask her out , maybe she'll said yes.

  10. Just ask her, whats the worse that wil happen? She'll say no, and you will have your answer and move on with your everday stuff...till you meet another girl you like and do it again...maybe it'll be this one, maybe not but eventually it will be someone, and you will fall in love...etc...

    If you never ask anyone, you will keep on wonwerding and trying to figure out the past way, lose chance after chance to someother guy!

    JUST DO IT!! Its not brain surgery!

  11. ask her three questions...

    1: what are you studying?

    2: fancy a coffee..?

    3: fancy a bonk? if answer is NO! say: "well do you mind lying down while i have one"....   (lol)

  12. Red rose between teeth, a wink and smile so the rose falls into he lap

  13. Hi want to go out for........

  14. Well there is always the old way go up to her and ask. Or you could send signs and see if she returns them. Or you could get to know her and find out if she is interested.

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