
I like a girl in my neighbourhood...should i express it to her?

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she is three yr old than me..

i started liking her just a year ago..earlier there was just only attraction..but now i always think abt her...

i have a slight hint that she likes me too.....

she doesnt talks to me much in a group.....but seems curious to talk whenever i m alone.....

suggest me the way according to ur experience..........

thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!




  1. If you're a girl, don't do it, unless you know she swings that way. Try and   slowly make your impression felt. If you're a guy, then definitely do it. i got with my girlfriend in that same way and we've been together for a year and a half, and we want to get married. I almost lost her because I wimped out and waited so long, so grow some balls and tell her, NOW!!!

  2. invite her over to your house for a sleep over and see what she says.  

  3. I think you should! I had a friend back in high school that I was really attracted too and never told her so. Years later we were talking and it turns out we both had similar feelings, however it was to late by then and we missed our opportunity! I think its better to try then regret it later!

  4. try to get her to hang out with you (alone) as much as possible..if she seems willing,drop hints and ask her if she has a boyfriend...if she seems like she wants to get closer let her,But dont go too fast or it might scare her off.

    I radiate g*y so usually girls tell me if they are g*y/bi/bi curious and it makes it easy er on try coming out to her and if she's the slightest bit interested she'll seem happy or will make the whole proses essayer she is aware you are g*y too (assuming she is)

  5. carful here!

    just like anything else.

    mingle talk let it evolve.

    thats all you really can do

    just dont be too aggresive about it

    good luck

    and hate to say it

    but be prepared to get a knife in your chest

    figuratively of course

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