
I like a guy 8 yrs. older than me, what should i do?

by Guest56929  |  earlier

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i really like him, but he has a girlfriend, he told me he likes talking to me because we don't talk about superficial stuff, just stuff on what we both like, which is music. We talk when we can, my friend also told me to stop talking to him because of what he has done in the past...

what should i do? i really, really like this guy, but he has a girlfriend and is 8 years older than me :( i can't just let him go and just forget about him, when i talk to him, its just us, no one else, even if its just the basic stuff and when we talk its not just talk, talk, talk, we'd also flirt, if gently nudging your leg or pushing it wud be flirting, i'm not sure lol..but what should i do?




  1. You think he is going to leave his girl friend for you?  Think again.  He wants to be your friend and tell you sweet things that you want to hear so he can get into your panties.  He is going string you along, use you for s*x, toss you out.  Open your eyes girl.  My supervisor once gave some advice...When I was expecting he told me to ask my baby's daddy for $300 to see if he would give it to me.  He was always giving money to his boyfriend but when I asked him for $300 he said no and I realized he cared nothing for me.

  2. Find out if he like you back.

    Its cool if you two just talk and flirt, but don't go too far.

    Because don't forget that he has a girlfriend.

    And age doesn't matter but just don't have any sexually relationship with him or else you'll be called a s**t by the people around you.

    So if he like you back and break up with his girlfriend then everything is okay. =) Hope i help.  

  3. soundz like this guy is giving u mixed signalz and if he has a gf hee should'nt be flirtin confront him ask him if he like u or not   gd luck

    babygyrl AKA sonia - 2k8

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