
I like being alone at school?

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Ever since I started secondary school I've been a bit of a loner.

The thing is I like to be alone.

I'm really quiet and I like to listen rather than speak.

Is this weird?

I know a lot of 'popular' people that don't like me for no apparent reason.

They seem to think they are better than me because they are all loud, rude and aggressive.

This makes me want to be alone even more because there is no way I am being like them.




  1. thats cuz they think they own the place i hate those kinds of people but i cant say anything or else i will get jumped or something heh, i.ll be your friend if you want xD

  2. im the same way. i have 3 really good friends that i talk to but im not really open to meeting other people that i usually dont talk to like everyone else . i dont know why.  

  3. your not weird im the same way all people are different i think you are just anti soucial but thats a good thing it gives you time to write books or poetry any kind or art =)

  4. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. The smartest people are those who do the most real listening, so I can see why you get irritated with those loudmouths who are only interested in hearing themselves talk. Your maturity level may be higher than that of some others, but they will grow up eventually. Don't burn any bridges. Continue to speak to people when they speak to you. Smile and be kind, even in the face of rudeness. And do look for others who may not like to be alone. Make some friends who are quiet, and you will be helping others who might need a friend.

  5. Good for you. You shouldn't have to change yourself to make other people like you; however, it is good to have someone you can talk to. Try to make a friend and nurture that one relationship.  

  6. I am thirty five and was the same many years ago. Be yourself, not everyone is rude and aggresive. You will meet frieds with whom you have more in common and spending some time alone is perfectly normal.

    As I got older, I decided to work away from home and spent seven months with little company, and this was my turning point. I now like more company than I did before, although find constant company irritating. I have friends, but I do not see them very regularly, and this suits me well.

    I don't think I am weird, but some of my more sociable friends find it hard to understand that I don't always wanto be involved!

  7. i'm so much like you.  i could sit around and listen to conversations all day without opening my mouth once.  i also am kinda quiet, but it seems to help me because i get my work done and dont have to rush and do it before class the next day or before games or practices.

    i do have a few friends that i talk to and i dont avoid the popular people like you are saying, but i dont really talk to them much just because ik that they are THE class and everything revolves around them.

    i think its perfectly natural the way you are at school.  maybe talking to some people that arent jerks to you might be a nice thing.  

    good luck.

  8. First one

  9. Don't worry about it, kid. Everyone has their own point in life when they decide when they'd like to be alone and when they'd like to be louder - who's to say you won't be the life of the party in college?. I say, don't give a d**n what the popular kids think. The only reason they're "popular" is because they give other people **** and few people want to stand up against them. Ignore the crowd and if listening is what you do best, stick with it  :)

  10. There's nothing wrong with accepting or even preferring solitude but even the most introvert individuals know it's unhealthy not to have social interaction.  

    If you're not unusually talented, smart, or witty then getting by alone will be quite hard in life.  Please consider opening up and changing some habits.

  11. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. It just means, you're original.

  12. Story. of. my. life.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying being alone; it simply means that you're an introvert, like myself.  There is also nothing wrong with not wanting to be an idiot, like most of the popular kids you mentioned seem to be.  It might get you down at times now, as being an extrovert and popular are generally smiled up in school years and introversion is not, but you'll be better off in the long run if you just be yourself.

  13. Well if being alone makes you happy then its ok. Just don't get too isolated. Everybody needs some friends.

  14. It's okay to be alone but clearly something is bothering you or you would not have posted.  People will always judge each other and not always in a good light but they'll never know how great a person you are if you don't take the time to get to know them.   Join a club or get involved with somthing that is passionate to you.  At least there will be some common ground with other people.  Your not always going to like other people because that's the way they are but you can find some common ground in people that will help you to understand each other and get along.

  15. If you truly are happy being alone, and not using it as an avoidance mechanism, then good for you. Don't worry about what other people think. You might enjoy finding some friends with common interests though, so keep a mind open to possibilities.

  16. I've been this way ever since I was in kingergarden and I start college tomorrow (I'm 18 now). People always thought something was wrong with me because I was so quiet. For awhile I thought something was wrong with me too and sometimes got depressed over it. But now I don't care anymore. I just go to class, be myself (not what others want me to be), and do my work so I can have a job one day.

    Remember, you're at school for yourself, not for other people. So don't worry what anyone thinks of you. If they don't like how quiet you are, oh well. Sucks for them, eh? lol

    And no, nothing is weird about it. The only people who find it weird are those who are opposite of you (loud, obnoxious, annoying). Don't pay any attention to em.. I'm the same way.. they bother me too so I stay just as quiet lol.

  17. I was always like that to and there is nothing wrong with it. It is actually a sign of security. Those who feel the need to always be around someone are not always but often insecure.  

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